Chapter 11

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"Listen, I don't have too much time to talk but I'm at the police station please come, I need you! I'll explain everything here."

"I'll be there now! Wait!"

Minutes later an officer came up to me saying:

"You can go now, there's a family that payed the fees (I don't know how you say it in English so I think it's fees idk correct me) for you, there waiting outside."

At first I thought it was my parents and I didn't wanted to but then I realized, he said family so that means that it's not my parents, we're not in that category of family.

When I saw them, my heart broke into million pieces and I couldn't hold back my tears, how could that man have such a nice heart after all my family did to him?

Namjoon saw me all beaten up and came up to me holding my chin saying:
"Are you okay, did he hurt you a lot?!"

"No..." I said looking down, he just grabbed my chin again.

"Hey, look at me. Don't worry I'm here." He pulled me to a hug and I swear my heart was going to explode now.

"Aren't they cute?" Mrs. Kim said squealing at the sight.

"My son is a man already." Replies Mr. Kim.

"Do you think they like eachother?"

"I don't know but if they do that's up to them."
They were driving home and decided to let Jin stay, he felt ashamed but also thankful towards the family, when they got home Mr. Kim came up to him saying:

"If you want, this will be your house from now on and we'll be your family. Don't take responsibility of your fathers action, what happened it's not your fault, but I would really like if you leave that house and come stay with us, staying there it's only going to destroy you, so what do you say?"

"But what if my dad tries to do something to you again?"

"Oh that will happen obviously, but I'm prepared this time." He said and smiled kindly at him, I too smiled at him. Is this how you feel having a lovely family? I've been missing out so bad.

It was time for dinner and Mrs. Kim called us, the tables were served and there was one that had extra food. They all sat up at the ones that had the normal portion of food, and I was just standing up awkwardly.

"Aren't you gonna sit?" Said Mrs. Kim laughing.

"Umm yes but..."

"We know that you eat a lot so yeah."

"I'm sorry ma'am to make you cook too much food." I said looking down.

"Dear, don't say sorry. Namjoon was the one who said I should make extra servings for you." She said smiling, showing the same dimple Namjoon has.

We finished lunch and Namjoon and I went to his room, it was Friday so we didn't have any school tomorrow and he threw himself on the bed I looked at him and asked:

"Do you have another blanket and pillow, I'll sleep on the floor."

"Isn't this one enough for the both of us? And no you're not!" He said making me blush, I felt my heartbeats increasing and I swear I felt it on my throat.

"C'mon aren't you gonna sleep?"


Moments later we were both laying on the bed, I was looking at the ceiling and he was using his phone. Moments later, I felt a hand made its way to my waist and a head resting on my shoulder.

"You had no idea how much I missed doing this with you."

"AH" I groaned as my head started to hurt again, this time with no more symptoms but only pain.

"Jin, what's wrong!?"

"My m-my hea-..." I said and fainted, this is like the hundredth time I faint.

"Hyung! Hyung!! Look what I bought you." Said a 7 year old Namjoon handing a Mario plush to the boy.

"Namjoon-ah, stop buying things for me and buy things for you, and thanks I love it!!! Thanks to you I have the collection I've always wanted." Said Jin smiling widely.

"But I love buying stuff to you because I like you, mommy said that when you like a person you buy her cute stuff to make them like you back." The little boy smiled again.

"But this hyung already likes you Namjoon-ah, think about yourself okay?" Said the boy patting him on the head.

"But hyung, thinking of you makes me happy!!!" Said Namjoon almost ready to they a tantrum.

Jin just smiled and pinched his nose saying:
"Okay then, c'mon let's make cookies with your mom."

They finished preparing the mix and everything and the cookies were in the oven, as an extremely curious boy that he was, Namjoon went to check out the cookies only to get burned in the finger by the oven.

"Ahhhh!!!!" Namjoon was screaming and crying (you know what happens when kids fall down or anything they would scream like they're killing them xD).

"Namjoon-ah what happened?!" A worried Jin and Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim saw what happened and was about to cure the boy but he stopped her saying:
"No!! Jin hyung will do it!!"

"Well, Jin it's just a small burn it's nothing to much so just apply this and he'll feel better." Said Mrs. Kim handing him a cream.

Jin carried Namjoon on his arms and places him on the counter of the kitchen grabbing his finger and applying the cream there. Namjoon stared at him in awe and Jin suddenly felt something on his lips.

Namjoon just pecked him on the lips, he was used to Namjoon kissing him on the cheek but what did he just did?!!

"Mommy always do this with daddy!" He said smiling as if it was nothing.

"But Namjoon-"

"Mommy says you do this with the person you love."

"But Namjoon..."

"When we grow older, can we be like mommy and daddy? I mean, I heard it's not supposed to be like that but I just want you." He said, his smile never leaving his face.

"When we grow old, you'll never leave me right? Or forget me?" He said, his smile fading away and his voice was also getting away.

"Jin? Jin?! JIN?!?"
Hello!! Just another chapter, I don't even know how you guys like this story and the chapters because I don't even edit it xD

I don't know why but I can't make the chapters little by little or write them down first, I just start writing whatever comes on in my mind and put it here, and to me it ain't good I'm sorry ;-;

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