Sleepover side story part 3

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I am terrible... Sorry for taking so long to update ._.  Anyways here's an update for y'all!

Libra had just finished tickling Aries. They were bored again so they decided to play...


3rd person P.O.V

      Then they decided to play 7 minutes in Heaven! So everyone took out an item from their bags or pockets.

-Aries took out a keychain.
-Taurus took out an old candy wrapper
-Gemini used his watch
-Cancer took out a photo of him and his sister
-Leo used his comb
-Virgo used a tube of lip gloss
-Libra used a lucky river stone she found
-Scorpio used his cross necklace
-Sagittarius used an old postcard
-Capricorn used a bookmark
-Aquarius used a pen
-Pisces used a colored pencil
(this took so long to think of this all DX )
Then they put all the items in a hat they found and wrote down all the different items and who they belonged to cause it was hard to remember. Then they decided to go backwards starting with Pisces and ending with Aries. So Pisces spun the bottle and it landed on... Scorpio! All the crazy shippers in the room grinned like mad mans. So Aquarius took the two and shoved them into the closet and locked it and yelled "HAVE FUN YOU TWO!"

Pisces was blushing like crazy, Scorpio was her crush and she had already fallen on him! Scorpio liked her too, but he was the 'dark and mysterious type' so he didn't really know how to approach her. But, Pisces being her clumsy self tripped over a shoe and ended up in front of Scorpio who had his back to the wall. And Scorpio started kissing Pisces with passion and she kissed back.

Time skip 7 minutes later

"OK YOU TWO TIMES UP!" Taurus shouted. They came out blushing mad and sat back down. So now it was Aquarius' turn she reached into the hat and picked out a comb... She muttered some colorful words under her breath and put Leo in the closet with her.

7 minutes later....

      Aquarius came out really red and no one could tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. And no one wanted to ask in case she WAS angry. Then came Capricorn's turn and she pulled out a watch. Groaning she pulled Gemini into the closet and started snogging him. Gemini was surprised she started so quickly but kissed back. They didn't even realize that 7  minutes was up until Cancer called them out. They both walked nonchalantly and back to their spots.

      Then it was Sagittarius' turn, he was hoping for his crush, Libra. And apparently the stars were in his favor. He had pulled out Libra's river rock. She was quite happy as well because she liked Sagittarius as well, but they didn't know they liked each other. But Virgo had other plans then to just watch them sit there blushing, so she grabbed both of their wrists and pulled the into the closet and locked them in. Every sign except for the two locked in the closet were laughing their butts off. To break the awkward almost silence in the closet Sagittarius said "H-h-hey Libra..." She laughed at his stuttering because he was always so confident around her. She said "hey Sag why chu stutter?" But Sagittarius couldnt take being so close to her and not kissing her so he just did it. He smashed his lips to hers, Libra was surprised at his action but gave up and started kissing back. Their lips moved in sync together but sadly 7 minutes was up. Virgo unlocked the door and did an eyebrow dance in which both of the two raised an eyebrow. They were both really red so Virgo and everyone else knew what happened.

      Now it was Scorpio's turn, he kind of wanted Pisces again but thought it would be awkward, so he reached into the bag and pulled out... A pen... NOOO IT WAS AQUA! He didn't know why but they just didn't get along with her so after a couple of minutes of screaming it ended up not happening. Then Libra went she ended up making out with Sagittarius again for 7 minutes. Then Virgo went and she pulled out... A picture. As disgusted as she was she went into the closet with cancer and they kissed nothing special. Next  up was Leo and he pulled out a tube of lip gloss... Virgo said "wow... Being forced to kiss people twice in a row... Yay..." So again she went into the closet and kissed Leo for 7 minutes. Next up... Cancer he pulled out a colored pencil. Pisces was a bit embarrassed because she liked both Scorpio and Cancer but oh well... She went into the closet with Cancer and started kissing the tomato also known as Cancer. Then they came out and it was Gemini's turn and he took out an old candy wrapper. So Taurus and Gemini both went into the closet and started snagging. 7 minutes later they came out like nothing happened. Then it was Taurus' turn again... She pulled out a keychain.

      Taurus and Aries were both shoved into the closet by Pisces and she locked them in. Not knowing what else to do Aries started kissing Taurus. Taurus kissed back because of the small crush being formed for Aries. Then 7 minutes went too fast and Pisces unlocked the door and they came tumbling out because they were leaning on the door but were still kissing. Pisces saying to herself "YESH MY SHIP HAS SAILEDDD!!" They both got up blushing and went back to sitting next to each other again. And Aries went to the hat and picked out the only thing left, a bookmark. He refused to go into the closet with Capricorn and he wouldn't tell why.

      So everyone finally went to sleep after all this and lets just say... Some of them weren't all that cold that night~

Ok ITS DONE! 1000 words yeeesh what is with me and writing long things today XD Anyways here's the end of the sleepover side stories and I hope you enjoyed it! So... Im still having problems thinking of a story line for the main story so it may be a while for that... But! Like I said before you still have a chance for a ship you want and the genders don't have to be the same as this story, I know you all want SOME ship to sail so just suggest a ship in le comments and a story you want a cover for! So yeah... Bye guys sorry for the long end note -3-

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