(F) Libra x (M) Cancer- Tree Decorating

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I'm so tired... I should really start writing these earlier on the night....

Cancer POV

Grinning at Libra I said "Are you ready?" She nodded. We were going to decorate the tree together this year, and unfortunately I was the one who was going to do all the heavy lifting. Oh joy. Libra had run up the stairs into the attic getting the ornamates we would be using. After about five minutes of waiting she came down with a box of ornaments "Well don't just stand there! Help me!" Apparently that box was very heavy for her. Understandable she's a squirt of an adult. I go over and grab some boxes and we begin!

Libra began by taking the big ones and filling in the holes, this is an art to her. I do not understand what's so important where everything goes. She let me use the smaller ones and we began filling the tree. Libra has a certain look to "her" tree that she says makes it unique. Libra frowned and muttered "we're missing something... Oh yes! The Christmas music!" She slid over to her phone in her fuzzy socks and began playing holiday music on Pandora. Libra slid back over and picked up an ornament.

She had always said how special this specific ornament was to her family, it must be old I'm assuming. Libra stood on her tippy-toes and hooked it onto a branch. She turned to me and grinned "Star time!" Libra squealed and went to get the star from upstairs again. I watched her sprint up the stairs, its so cute that she gets so excited about Christmas. She's been planning this day forever one of the first things she said to me when we first started dating was "Get ready for the hell storm I become during Christmas." Libra was not kidding at all.

She sprinted back down with a grin and she handed me the star, "Why are you giving me this?" I asked generally curious on why she gave it to me. "Because, your new to decorating my tree so its common courtesy!" She explained. "Why don't we put it up together?" I offered, "Yeah! I like that idea," She said excitedly. "UPPY!" Libra said as a joke. I picked her up from her waist and let her put on the star. I put Libra down and kissed her cheek, little did she know I took one of the Christmas cookies behind her. And then I ran away, "CANCERRRRRRR!" I heard faintly as I was running away, damn I love that girl.

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