The Other Half :D

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Welcome to the other half of the zodiacs!!! Not much to say here except that I'm glad that you are actually reading this soooo yeah until later ~Author-Chan

Gemini P.O.V

Why does my head hurt?! WHY MEEEEEEE?! And then I take in my surroundings, wait this isn't where I was last time I went to bed... I woke up in a room with Aquarius, she looks so pretty with that wild brown hair.... Besides the point I DONT KNOW WHERE LEO IS AHHHHH! I scream a bit too loud and Aqua wakes up. Oh no, she is NOT a morning person! She throws a punch but misses, I taunt her about it. Yeah didn't end well heheheh. She breaks it up and explains that we should find the others. Oh yeah LEOOOOOOOOOO! She opens the door and we go looking for all the other zodiacs. We end up in a hallway with a mirror and we see ourselves for the first time, we didn't realize we were human until now. Gotta say I look gooooood....

Aries P.O.V

I don't wanna wake up just NO I DONT WANNA! I finally woke up to Capricorn sitting on me... I yelled at her and she explained that it was just to wake me up. I shook her off and looked at her, something was off about her oh yeah she was a human!!! And then I realized I was a human too, shoot no no no no no no no I can't be one. I must've said this out loud because then Capricorn rolled her eyes and pushed me out the door and said " we have to find everyone else" I nodded and followed her around this mysterious house.

Taurus's P.O.V

Ouch! My head, I don't think I have experienced such pain aghhhh! I finally decided to get up and I noticed I have legit hands 0-0... Meh whatever, gotta wake up this stupid person who is next to me and still sleeping. I FINALLY got this guy to wake up! But he looks like hes gonna murder me ohhhhhh this is probably Scorpio, which means he actually might murder me... I screamed "GAH SCORPIO ITS ME TAURUS!!!!" His eyes soften and I get up again. I force him out the door because I NEED TO FIND THE KITCHEN! I NEED MEH FOOD! We find two other people a boy and a girl. I introduce myself and Scorpio, turns out its Gemini and Aqua then we walk down the hallway of this house we ended up in.

Oh my gosh I'm so dang sorry that it took me a while to update I had a huge writers block XD Anyways have a wonderful day my lovelies ~ThatOneArtsyGirl :D

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