The Hospital

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Thanks Yellow-Ninja18  for the idea ^_^

3rd person P.O.V

Shortly after the ambulance had taken Sagi away Libra was looking up the way to the hospital and she ran the whole way. When she arrives the doctors tell her that Sagittarius was in a coma and they weren't sure if he would wake up. Libra is in the hospital room waiting there.

Libra P.O.V

This is so scary... Leo feels really guilty about what he did but I am currently not speaking with him. I am by Sagittarius' hospital bed watching him. Everyone else went home awhile ago now its just me. I feel the waterworks coming so I just let it happen. I am crying really quietly when I here the door open, it was Leo. I was so mad at him that I didn't even say anything if looks could kill though... He apologizes many many times I just point to the door and say one word "Leave." He does as told and closes the door behind him. I take off my beanie put it on the table beside me and I somehow fall asleep in the chair.

Leo P.O.V

I feel awful about what I did... Libra hates me and she doesnt hold grudges unless you REALLY messed up. I guess I am really screwed... I'm going to apologize to everyone soon after Sagi recovers. Yeah, I hope that Libra wont hate me forever.

Sagittarius P.O.V

All I can see is darkness, darkness everywhere. Then there is a bright light which I walk towards, am I dead? I see my body in a hospital bed hooked up to all different machines and I see a figure on the chair shaking in what looks like a sleeping position. It takes me awhile to realize its Libra she curled up with her knees to her chest and sobbing, I didn't know she cared this much about me. I then realize that yes I am dead. I try to call to Libra that I'm going to be okay but I just cant speak my voice wont work. The scene fades and I am met by the darkness again and a person walks up to me and I start sobbing "P-please no I cant be dead can I come back?!" "Yes, you can but only on one condition..." The dark figure replies. "What is it I will do anything!" I say. "You must display an action of affection towards someone you love within the the next 24 hours or you will just disappear to your friends and you will be gone forever!" I nod my head because I already have an idea.

3rd person P.O.V

      The mysterious figure finally sends Sagittarius back to his body. Somehow since Sagi only fell on his head he was up and ready. He got up off the bed and woke Libra who was having a nightmare about who knows what. Her eyes flutter open and it takes her a second to realize it was Sagittarius. Once she does though she grabs him in a hug tears streaming down her face. "Its you... Your ok!!!" She cries "yeah its me I'm ok" after staying like this for a while Sagi takes Libra bridal style to the park near the house they were in. He takes her to a grove of cherry blossom trees, and hugs her. Libra's eyes widen and she says "Sagi? A-are you ok?" He smiles that smile that makes Libra's heart flutter and he says "I'm fine, but I want to tell you something" she nods encouraging him to go on. He takes a deep breath and says "ever since I met you I knew you were special... I love being your best friend Libra but I want to be something more, Libra will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Her eyes widen even more but she leans towards the tall male and kisses him. It was a short passionate kiss, and they both loved every second of it. "Does that answer your question?" He smiles and they walk back to the house hand in hand. <3

Aww what a sweet chapter ^.^ anyways I deleted meh hunger games book because I couldnt think of ideas so yeh... Have a great day guys!

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