(F) Pisces x (M) Scorpio

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For potter_jackson_girl  btw I did a cover for your character stories book ^_^ enjoy!

3rd person P.O.V

      It was lunch time at Zodiac High (aren't I so original?) and everyone was sitting with their groups except for one specific Male. His name was Scorpio and no one EVER wanted to sit by him because of what happened in the past but that's a story for another time~ anyways no one wanted to sit by him except for one short bubbly female named Pisces. She always dragged her best friend, Libra to sit by him. So that's what happened today, after the daily arguing about whether to sit by him or not ended (Pisces winning of course) they went over to the table in the back left where Scorpio sat and sat down on the bench opposite to him.

       Pisces and Libra don't often eat at lunch because they never liked the food served in the cafeteria. So Pisces said "hey Scorpio...! How's your d-day going?" Oh did I mention that Pisces has a HUGE crush on Scorpio? Scorpio grunted and muttered something along the lines of 'Its going fine'. Having noticed that Scorpio wasn't planning on talking to her... Again... Pisces and Libra both took out their Sketch Books and started drawing. Pisces decided to draw something for Scorpio so she decided to draw a Scorpion made of a rose design. But eventually the bell rang and lunch was over so Pisces folded up the picture out it in front of Scorpio and left. Libra "accidentally" spilled some water and told Pisces to go ahead of her.

      Libra said to Scorpio "Listen here, my friend over there is in love with you ok? And I want to know whether you like her back so I can make sure she doesn't break down because of you." Scorpio was surprised at how straight forward Libra was and he thought to himself ' wow she must really care about her friend there' but Scorpio shook his head no took the picture and ran out of the cafeteria. Libra was scared about how Pisces would react to his response, but she decided to tell her right after school.

Time skip brought to you by The Great and Powerful Erza

      Libra told Pisces to come to her house to do homework, and she agreed.  While doing homework Libra brought up the topic of Scorpio. And when Pisces was done ranting about how she loved him Libra said really quickly "LookITalkedToScorpioAfterLunchAndToldHimAboutYourCrushOnHimAndAskedWhetherHeLikedYouBackOrNotAndHeDoesntLikeYouBackImSoSorry!" (look I talked to Scorpio after lunch and told him about your crush on him and asked whether he liked you back or not and he doesn't like you back I'm so sorry!) Pisces understood this jumble of words and said nothing but started crying, she couldnt believe it at all. She had tried being his friend so much and he just REJECTED her.

The next day at lunch....

      Libra wasn't surprised when Pisces wanted to sit at another table that wasn't scorpio's. And since they didn't really have anywhere else to sit they sat outside under the willow tree. Scorpio on the other hand was surprised when he didn't see Pisces at his table. Scorpio didn't know why but he liked having company he got lonely without her. She seemed to understand him without saying a word and he screwed all that up just by saying he didn't like Pisces... When he really did... So he decided to go and tell her his feelings about her and apologize.

      So Scorpio went outside and walked to the willow tree that Pisces and Libra were sitting under. They didn't notice he was there until they looked up to see what time it was. Scorpio said "hey Pisces we need to talk..." She thought the worst thing possible and ran away crying, leaving her sketch book behind. Libra, as you already know, cares for her best friend and got up with her sketch book smacked Scorpio hard and screamed "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID YOU BIG IDIOT YOU ARE RUINING HER HEART BY BREAKING IT OVER AND OVER!" With that she ran after Pisces totally forgetting about Pisces' sketch book. Scorpio noticed that it was there and picked it up. He looked through a couple pictures and found one with a bunch of confessions to him on it. He sighed, he really screwed up here he had lost one of the only people that cared about him. But, he then realized that it was prom season... He had an idea!

Time skip AGAIN to after school

      Pisces was at home crying with Libra comforting her but Libra had to go home so a he rubbed Pisces back one more time and left. But little did she know that Scorpio was waiting at the corner waiting for Libra's car to pull out of the drive way. Because he was personally scared to see what she would do if she saw him at the door. But he eventually went up to the door and rang the doorbell, holding the sketch book that Pisces had left at the willow tree. When Pisces answered she closed right back again but Scorpio held it open. She started crying again, she didn't want him to hurt her again. But all that he said was "Look, you forgot your sketch book and I drew something in it... Can you just look at it for me?"  Pisces sighed she decided to look at it just to get it over with. On the piece of paper was a beautiful drawing of two people dancing and they suspiciously looked like her and Scorpio on the bottom was a little letter type thing it read... 'Pisces, I'm so sorry that I broke your heart... And I know that I don't deserve someone as beautiful, kind, and smart as you but I have a question for you...' Pisces looked up at the tall male that was still in her house and he said one thing "prom?" Pisces hugged him tight "of course..." She muttered.

      Scorpio then smashed his lips into hers happily and she kissed back. But what they didn't know was that Libra had come back for her phone and she smirked. "HEY YOU GUYS GET A ROOM" they both blushed and Libra got her phone and said "you may continue" and that's just what they did. And to think it all started with a simple act of pure kindness~

Wowwww this is the longest thing I have ever written I think! And I hope its good as well! Also... THANK YOU GUYS FOR 400 READS!!! I literally thanked you guys for 300 reads a couple of days ago! And here we are! Remember I still have 2 more requests open so you can comment for what two zodiacs (and the genders) and a book you want/need a cover for! So I'm out now bye guys! ~ Author~Chan

I like alpacas XDDDD

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