Scorpio (m) x Aquarius (f) ~Timeless Chemistry~

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Hey it's been awhile and I saw this request and I haven't written in ages, so I hope you guys enjoy!  

The shrill bell rang at 1:30. End of sixth period. Two more left to go. Aquarius collected her binder and pencil and walked over to a desk that had streaks of erased pencil drawings all over. Sitting in the rickety old wooden chair was none other than Scorpio, one of her only friends in the class. He ran his long fingers through his hair and stood up with a tired smile painting his lips. Aquarius and he walked out of class talking about the material they had just gone over. 

"Did you even remotely get what electron configuration is?" Aquarius asked him, sidestepping a freshman who was sprinting down the halls. 

"Yeah? It was easy?" 

"That's complete bull, there's no way that you got it," Aquarius scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Of course I did," Scorpio stated smugly. He looked at Aquarius, "Do you need help studying for the quiz tomorrow then?" 

"Would you mind?" 

"Sure, why not?" He shrugged.

"Thank you so much! I have to go to history next, see you later!" Aquarius grinned and followed the flow of teens into another hallway.

Scorpio smiled at the back of her head as she was walking away, his cheeks painted ever so slightly red. 

That night at Scorpio's house it was thunder storming outside the window, flashes of lightning were filling the sky with electricity. Aquarius burst into the house soaking wet, her hair stringy from the rain.

Scorpio bent over with pure laughter at his friend's shivering figure. He looked up at her, "Do you need a towel or something?"

Aquarius nodded and reached out for the fuzzy blanket that was laid on the couch.  She wrapped it around her and sat next to Scorpio and his warm figure mumbling something about being cold. If her blanket wasn't wrapped so tightly around her face Scorpio would have seen her bright pink cheeks and nose. 

Scorpio cleared his throat and took out his notes from class that day and looked at his friend, "Hey, do you want to start now?" 

Aquarius looked at him with intensity and shook her head 'no'. She said, "Not yet. Let's watch Netflix or something." 

"Don't you wanna do well on the quiz?"


"Alright fine," Scorpio smiled at her smaller figure, turned on the TV and put on Parks and Rec. 

"Hey Scorpio?" Aquarius sat up and looked at him, her face a foot away from his. Close enough he could faintly smell the fruity gum on her breath. 


"I understood electron configuration." She mumbled.

Scorpio looked at her extremely surprised, "What? Then why did you say you needed help?" 

"Because I wanted a reason to hang out with you," Aquarius stated. She put her face closer to Scorpio's now, taking in a breath of his cologne.

Scorpio looked at her lips and then back at her eyes which held the stars in them. He smiled slightly, "I think I'm falling for you Aqua." 

Aquarius laughed and grinned, "I fell for you a long time ago, Scorpio." 

They leaned closer together and their lips collided with passion. It was like fireworks on the fourth of July. It was like electrons releasing their photons of pure light. The sky lit up behind them with a crack of thunder and a burst of lightning but the two lovers did not care. They had not a care in the world. It was only them. It was only them for forever. The two lovers pulled apart, their faces lit by the television and with joy. 

Aquarius stood up and fixed the blanket around her and Scorpio. She sat close to him and he sat close to her. That night was a night either one of them would ever forget. It was their first kiss together but it most certainly wasn't their last. They knew from the moment that they kissed, that their love was going to be timeless. Last longer than the universe itself. 

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