Together Again

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Whelp I was bored so made what the zodiacs look like and NO I didn't draw them, I just made the collage part until later ^_^

Sagittarius P.O.V

My group and I decided that we will go and look for the other half of the signs, so we decided to split up and meet back here in ten minutes. I got paired up with Libra, yay she's fun to be around unlike some other signs... (A/N cough cough Scorpio) anyways we head down a hallway and we chat along the way, somehow we ended up on the topic crushes... Aww shoot. Wait, I hear people " hey Libra do you hear that?" " Yeah, I do" she replies. We walk down the hallway and end up sprinting because we saw Gemini and Aqua! They don't seem to recognize us, oh well. "Hey Aqua! Its me Libra! And this is Sagi!" Heh leave it to Libra to say something first. "Hey guys! We were looking for you everywhere! We thought we were the only ones he-" " you get it right guys?" Aqua says cutting off Gemini. Man that guy could talk for hours on end. We both nod and I say " come on guys everyone might be waiting for us at the end of the hall." We start heading back this long, long hall.

(A/N) oh I forgot the parings of the groups are Sagi and Libra, Cancer and Pisces, Virgo and Leo so yeah on with the story...

Virgo P.O.V

      Leo and I were paired together ugh. I HATE this guy he is too optimistic if that's even a thing... And all he cares about is finding Gemini which doesn't make sense, eh I don't have time for men so when he is looking at a picture on the wall I make a mad dash down the halls looking for people as I go. But then I stop because I just found a room with a maiden on the door (my symbol) then I take a good look at all the doors, they have our symbols on each door (Aries' ram, Taurus' bull, etc.). Creepy its like this place was specifically made for us... I have to tell everyone so I dash down the hall again, but I run into someone literally... (A/N what is with the signs and running into each other....) it looks kinda like Capricorn. Just in case I introduce myself " Hi I'm Virgo! Who are you guys?". The blonde girl spoke "Virgo! Its me Capricorn and this is Aries" she then gestured towards the red head. I tell her I'm going to go find the center room again, she instantly agreed to come with me. So we take off down the hall with Aries right behind us.

Pisces P.O.V

      Cancer and I walked down the hall opposite of Libra and Sagittarius. Libra once told me she had a crush on Sagi but she wasn't sure if he liked her back. I don't know what she sees in him, but I'm happy for her. Cancer suggests to look in the basement I squeak "I-I-Im afraid of the d-d-dark..." I mumble. He chuckles and takes my hand in his and says "Scorpio might be there *eyebrow dance*" " EEEEEEEEE SCORPIOOOOOOO " I then run off to find the basement and Cancer runs after me out of breath. "Wow. You. Run. Fast." "I know its just I miss Scorpi!" I say. He laughs and surprise surprise we find Scorpi in the large room and I run up to him and hug him. Without any words I drag him up the stairs giggling. Then I realize he has Taurus with him, I MISSED HER TOO! Then I hug them both and we laugh a bit. I say " well its great to see you guys again eh?"  They nod and we walk down the hallway laughing.

3rd person P.O.V

      All the signs have finally met up again in the center room and after about an hour of catching up and all that they were bored and sitting on the couches in the room they were in. Then Gemini says " Lets play truth or dare!!!" All the signs faces light up with excitement all of them scream yes except Scorpio who just nods. So they start playing.

Whoop! First kind of long chapter! This is tiring better get used to it i guess 0-0 anyways have a lovely day my friends, oh and please check out my other book if you have read the Hunger Games, first chapter will be posted Wedsday June 15! Until later see you guys! ~ThatOneArtsyGirl

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