(F) Libra x (M) Sagittarius- ice skating

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Here y'all go!

"AGH DONT LET ME FALL SAGGI!" I screeched at Sagittarius. He was teaching me how to ice skate, yeah that isn't going so well... I'm not exactly the most, ahm, coordinated person... "Wow Libra... Your really bad at this aren't you?" He laughed at me, "Shut up! Your the one whos played hockey..." I fought back. Saggi shrugged and kept on helping me inch forward on the ice.

Thankfully we were the only ones in the rink, I wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea about me and Sagittarius. Yes I did like him but I didn't want to ruin my relationship with him you know? We had a best friend relationship and that's a lot better then none, the biggest part in our friendship here is that hes one of the most popular kids in school and him calling me his best friend? In no shape or form would I want to risk that ever. 

It was like learning how to walk again with ice skates! "The ice is too slippery!" I whined. He chuckled "Thats what ice tends to be Libra." I turned around to glare at him, bad idea. I went falling down onto my butt. Sagittarius laughed at me so I pulled him down and using all my strength I pushed him, yet another bad idea. He grabbed my arm at the last second and we both went flying across the frozen over pond. "I think Im done with skating today Saggi.." My voice trailed off.

The idiot was butt-scooting across the whole pond. But, I was already sore bummed so I joined him in being a weirdo. After awhile of this I penguin slid on my belly around the pond occasionally yelling "I AM DWANE THE ROCK JOHNSON!" (Bluethe_Kitty yes. Yes. I. Did. XD) I belly slid over to Saggi who seemed to be staring into nothingness I poked him "Whatcha doingggggg?" I asked

Saggi turned to me "ah nothing... Just thinking..." I decided on not being stubborn today and just let it go.

Later when we were returning our skates he asked me something "Hey, uh, Libra? D-do you like me?" My eyes must've been as big as saucers at that point. I nodded slowly looking away my face as red as a tomato probably. Saggi turned my head towards his and muttered "good," and kissed me. Even with a freezing cold butt you can still experience joy.

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