(F) Pisces x (M) Scorpio- ITS TOO EARLY!

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Day 1 of the 12 days of one-shots -3-

Pisces POV

Scorpio and I were walking through the park on a fateful November day. "Scor scor its never too early for Christmas!" I whined to him, "ITS ONLY NOVEMBER PISCES!" He Scorpio yelled in frustration throwing his hands in the air. I smiled at his frustration, its my job to make him frustrated as his best friend! He just rolled his eyes moved the hair out of his face and continued onward.

After a little while I looked up at him and tried again, "Scor scor why don't you want it to be Christmas!"  He stayed silent at this one and I decided not to push him into telling me. I kinda just stared at him while we were walking and didn't realize that we were walking straight.... To a tree. I slammed into it and fell down on my bottomm, "oww..." I groaned annoyed, Scorpio smirked at me and helped me up. I blushed a little from this, wait why am I blushing...?

Time skip

Scorpio's POV

Later that day after Pisces slammed into that tree we continued walking bringing up small talk and such, but I still couldnt get over the fact that Pisces was already thinking about Christmas , so I decided to get some payback. When we were about to leave the park and begin the walk home I threw the petite girl onto my back and ran all the way home, with a screaming Pisces on my back.

When we got back to my house she smacked me a few times, ok more than a few times... But I let her because why not? It didn't hurt anyways! We ran into my house freezing our arses off, so I made cocoa. When I came back into the living room where Pisces was I noticed her small sleeping figure on the couch. I grinned a little at the sight she is really adorable when she's asleep. I kissed her forehead before going back into the kitchen to get my laptop.

Pisces POV (again sorry for the many POV changes 😣)

He kissed my forehead. HE KISSED MY FOREHEAD?! Oh stars oh stars oh stars.... What do I do now? Should I tell him or should I just keep my mouth shut? I finally decided to keep my mouth shut. I pretended to walk into the kitchen like I had just woken up, "oh hey Scor scor what's up?" He mumbled something that I couldnt understand but oh well "what was that?" "Oh nothing, how was your nap?" I replied with a good and he offered to walk me home, I accepted.

I tugged on my coat and we began the half-mile walk to my house. It was quiet on the way there and I kept stealing glances at Scorpio as we walked along. Finally we reached my small house as I wove goodbye up my driveway Scorpio turned me around towards him something clearly on his mind, "Whats wrong Scorpio...?" "Look Pisces I can't hold this in anymore so Im just gonna say it, I like you Pisces... A lot... Would you like to go on a date with me?" I grinned and said "Of course! I would be honored!"

I heard the window open and heard the voice of my brother Aquarius yell "YOU BETTER NOT BREAK HER HEART!" Scorpio nodded and then Aquarius sang in a squeaky voice "Shalalalalala don't be shy you gotta kiss de girl" I smiled at Scorpio and kissed him whispering "Its never too early for a Christmas present Scorpio..."

SO THERE YA GO! What do y'all think? Remember to comment and vote! Ciao!

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