Chapter 26 - He's perfect, she's crazy

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A/N: Hey, it's been a while.. again. I'm sorry, I'm just so lazy, I start typing then end up on youtube or twitter an get distracted. Anyways they new chappiee, I've changed the set up a bit this chapter, hope you like it :)

see you on the otherside !

Enjoy :)x


Chapter 26 – He’s perfect, she’s crazy.

*Niall's POV*

I'm sat in the cafe waiting anxiously for Sam to arrive. I was slightly early than when we planned to meet but I was happy to wait, I just hope she'll show up.

Half an hour went by, went by we'd agreed to meet at 12 and it was now 12:45. I was starting to get worried. What if she doesn't show? I would have blown the last shot without even trying. As I was about to text her the door of the cafe swung open and Sam came running in and sat down in front of me.

"Sorry I'm late," she panted out of breathe, "I got held up in class and then the girls were being nosy and well they took some time to handle but I'm here now. So sketch book?" Wow! She speaks so fast sometimes!

I'm so intrigued by what she's wearing, especially the jumper, I’m no fashion expert but it was a very… ‘interesting’ looking jumper.

She seemed to have notice me staring at her jumper, “Please ignore my hideous jumper,” she says embarrassed and covers her jumper with her jacket, “had a very rough morning.”

“It isn’t that bad,” I laughed, “it’s cute, especially your beanie.”

“Thanks!” Sam smiled, “So you’ve got something for me?”

“Yeah,” I remembered and I hand her, her sketchbook and bracelet, “nice drawings by the way.”

“What? You looked at it!?” she said worried.

“Yeah… sorry I couldn’t help take a look,” I apologized.

“It’s alright,” she reassured, “it’s just no one has ever really looked at it.”

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy. If it makes thing better, you’re drawings are really amazing!” I praised. “I was especially flattered to see that you drew me,” I teased, “it was very good, thanks for making me look slightly better looking.”

Embarrassedly, “you’re very welcome,” she laughed.

“So… how’s thing? Life?” I try to make conversation.

*Sam’s POV*

Life? Well Niall, you’ve pretty much taken over my life. You’ve invaded every aspect, my home, my friends, everything and as hard as try to forget about you I can’t you’re everywhere. I can’t stop thinking about you and I’m battle with myself about whether I like you or not, that’s how ‘life’ is.

“Alright,” I answer.

“How’s your sister? Hannah?” Niall asks.

“Umm… she’s great!” I was slightly thrown by the question, I was surprised he remembered I had a sister, “she recently found out about you and Jess & Harry.”

“Really?” he sounded surprised, “how did she take it?”

“Yeah, her reaction was priceless!” I laugh at the thought of her face, Niall laughed with me “she also found just found out about Jamie.” Then Niall suddenly stop laughing, so did considering Jamie is a sore subject between us.

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