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It was 8:56 PM, and as expected your boyfriend,Kirito, is not home. You sighed getting worried again as you have been doing for the past three days.

What if he is just stuck in traffic..for two hours..nonono..he doesn't work that far.
Huh! Maybe he's taking a while,again, because of a zombie apocalypses....uhm.


... YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT!! Wait,should I be worried for myself too??

You giggled and thought as you took two clear,rectangular Tupperware out to put the cold dinner away.

"How sad...I really wanted him to try some of my infamous Tacos,"

You pouted,not over the fact that you made a bit too much for two people.

"Welp! More for me, less for him"

You bit into one of the heated delicious [Meaty/Vegie] tacos,"mhmmm, that's what you call quality work from a quality styled person--hell yes!"

Swallowing the rest of the taco, your mind drifted to the unthinkable.

Ah..probably a Ten-Meter-Titan came running through-

"-Home. I am home." A familiar voice said bluntly, taking of his shoes. His lovely hands sat them nicely to the side.

"Oh! Honey, right on time," Your eyes wandered to the clock," I made dinner,and yes, they are tacos, but you want me to serve you?"

Though..they are a bit cold.. eh. That's alright. His fault for being late. You shrugged.

You picked up your plate that was filled with one of your other taco and a side of rice, then you pointed to the casket of yummy-ness.

His eyes widen at the table and bit his cheek, "Nah, I'm full–I mean,I'm just really tired and I already ate a lot at work." He pointed to his belly. However, he licked his lips as he pulled off his shirt,walking
towards the stairs.

"Well, I'm going to bed"

You stared at his back suspiciously, not even noticing how damped it was. You coughed," Ah,okay. Well, I'm going to pack your lunch, love you!"

You waited for a response back,but to no avail, there was none. You figured he was just really really tired. "Long day..at work, I guess." You didn't want to make him worry.

You stared at the food on your plate and back to the stairway. "I might as well put the food away as I'm add it"

Grabbing your last taco, you took a big bite and slobbered it up. "Yum~"

Suddenly, your eyes looked side to side, then you quickly grabbed three more tacos, "three for good luck"


You walked quietly up the stairs to your bedroom to find Kirito passed out. You smiled but it soon dropped to a familiar, yet, undetectable perfume.

You shrugged not even caring, even though it was pretty strong, you have decided to let it be. Then, to lecture him about it tomorrow.

Suddenly, a loud ding was heard from Kirito phone, his phone had barely any brightness. "Hm?"

You looked over with your tired eyes, and lied back down. Only to doze off into darkness.

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