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You lifted your eyelids and saw the bright light from the window, arising on to you.

"Holy shit, Jesus is that you!?"

You sat up to talk more, then realized that there was no Jesus right there,in front of you, to wake you up. "God dammit."

You glared at the sun, "For a second there, you almost got me believing" you snorted.

You looked off to your side to find that Kirito's' body was no longer at your side. You grabbed your phone to check the time, "7:35" it said.

"The fuck? His shift doesn't start until nine."

Your eyes slipped downwards. "If this keeps happening, then my assumption of him cheating on me would be..correct."

Your hands gripped the bed sheets as you slouched and stared at the blank, plank wood floor. " I guess i'll go take a shower"


"SO FRESH AND SO CLEAN!!~~" You blurted out as you stepped out of your bathroom. The heat flushing out.

It was 8:01. You literally had nothing to do. Rubbing your finger with the little bump of metal on it, a little light bulb appeared.

"To help my boredom!!" You sprinted down the stairs with your phone.With your plain [colored] sox on, you slid your way to the kitchen and poured a cup of [Juice]...and grabbed leftovers from the fridge and heated it up.

8:12— You
Hey lovely~

Almost immediately you got a response back. You cheered and blew a kiss at literally nothing.

8:12— Baby♡
I'm a bit busy right now.. so..hurry up.

8:13— You
oh-- well, i want to go on a date today. We haven't had one since you started your job ㅍ-ㅍ

Your smile dropped a little bit from his reply but you didn't want him to get worried, so you ignored the bluntness. You slipped your fingernail up to your mouth.

8:15— Baby♡
[Name], i haven't even started work, you just want me to get out of work just like that?! No, I don't think I can today.

8:15— You
NO! I didn't mean it that way..I was just asking..

You glared at your phone, not liking the fact be one 'read'. You hugged and took the already done tacos out of the microwave.

Finishing up the first two, you decided to ask Asuna

8:24— You
안녕하세요!! 你好!! 看你急嗎!!

8:25— You

8:25— Asuna☆
Shush woman.

You laughed and continued to type.

8:25— You
Haha~ well I was wondering if you want to hang out? It's been a while..

8:26— Asuna☆
Sure!! Is four alright?

8:26— You

8:27— Asuna☆
Okay. See you then.

"wOOT!!" You danced, "i should start cleaning now!" You looked around your "filthy" home.

Walking to your cleaning closet, you grabbed some Windex, Ajax,Fabuloso and Bleach, then off to work!


Sweat dropped down your forehead and your arms were getting tired of scrubbing. Puffing your adorable cheeks out, you washed your hands and almost immediately,you grabbed a taco!

You made a lot, and you weren't planning on stopping.

"Sweet lord! I'm in heaven"


You grabbed the cleaning supplies and took them to the dedicated closest. "FINALLYYYYYY" you yelled, "I'M DONE!"

You mentally high-fived yourself and danced to [Song].


To save yourself from embarrassment, you were glad the curtains were closed.

"Coming! I'm coming-" You shouted, as you happily knew who it was. Slamming the door right open, you opened it to find Asuna.

Asuna and Kirito.

"Fuck my life" you exaggerated, dammit, you couldn't talk to Asuna about Kirito.

"Excuse me?" Asuna questioned.

You chuckled and simply stated that it was simply a phrase of expression.

You scooted to the side to let both of them come in, "Kirito," you pouted," did you lie to me? Because you specifically said that you were busy" you did a blank face.

"AND! You can't say you didn't, Love, I have receipts" you clarified, patting yourself down and locking the door then winking.

"I-uh,i had talked to my boss about it and she had let me." He looked off to the side then his eyes wandered back to your.

"Oh! Well that's good. Unfortunately, I have plans with Asuna, which coincidentally you both came at the same time?"

"Mhm" they said in a unison and awkwardly laughed.

Your ears perked up, it's been a while since you actually hanged out with the both of them. So, the laugh.made you feel so..jealous.

"Yup! Yup! wait, Babe, why didn't you open the door? You had the keys, I was kind of busy, by the way"

"Eating tacos" Asuna whispered.

His eyebrows arched, his face making a frowning face. "You sure are asking a lot of questions" he joked? No, he stated harshly with sounds of annoyance.

Asuna laughed as you stared at him. Your mouth twitching. "I guess I am..."


You walked into the kitchen, you felt very awkward and truly embarrassed. Kirito wasn't really paying attention to you, though it seemed as if he did. It was confusing and it made you sad.

It's like you are talking to yourself.

"I shouldn't have asked questions then.."
You mumbled, guilt rising as your face heated up with redness.

Looking off to your side vision, you grabbed your Kettle and poured tap water into it. Your hands turning the nobs on the stove, you had put it one medium heat.
Letting the water steam up.

Rinsing your hands off, you noticed both youth boyfriend and Asuna either giggling or being quiet. But once you turned it off, it was like small talks or the sounds of "awkwardness"

The fuck?

Suddenly, [Name] the Detective popped up. "yEsH,it's been a while" you told yourself and laughed.

Testing for a few minutes making noise that wasn't so obvious. You figured they were up to something.

"Shhh...Asuna..she will know!" Your boyfriend thought he said lowly, but it was pretty loud.


You quickly turned off the stove poured water into the tea cups and etc. You sprinted slowly toward the family room only to find....

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