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"Wait. WHAT?" Hikaru shouted in a  confused manner, "What happened? Tell me everything. Oh hell nah. FUC-"
He cracked his knuckles as he was cut off by his friend, but he didn't mind one bit, he was ready to fuck your boyfriend in the head.

"Woah, Hikaru, calm down" His friend mysteriously popped up behind him stated. This stranger, to you, stopped Hikaru from stomping his leg harshly. The random guy looked at the both of you worriedly and lightly pushed Hikaru to the side.

He stared at you. "Uhm. Come in" he welcomed, his soft hands grabbing the shaking you and pulled you in, safety.

You sniffed, feeling a bit defensive from the stranger touching you, However you were very vulnerable. You looked back seeing a silent, angry Hikaru closing the door behind you. He then caught your eyes and looked away immediately. He sighed.
  You stood quiet, liking the warmth touch, and turned back around to continued on walking inside the house with the stranger.

"Don't worry," The young guy whispered to you, "no need to be cautious, okay? You'll be fine"

Blinking, you stumbled towards the familiar, big living room. The so-far-no-name-guy led you to one of the couches, which was partially crowded beside you. "Uh.. no pizza?"one of Hikaru's friends asked questionably. You sat down, letting go of the dude's hand and looked down at your lap, in embarrassment.

The guy smiled lightly at you, even though he knew you wouldn't see. Sitting on the armrest across from you, he spoke and shook his head.
"Unfortunately no, but we do have-"

"-One fine ass lady"

You looked up and stared at the wall blankly. Boy,if you don't-

You shook your head and whispered a almost non-hear-able 'Hi.' You then looked around yourself, your eyes widening a little.

Holy many males.

"Hello~" A guy with messy blonde hair and blue eyes purred,"So, Hikaru why didn't you tell me that we could bring women over," he winked and pointed at you,"especially sexy ones like her."

   "Uh- What?!" Hikaru sweat dropped, getting caught off guard.

"Yeah," Another with red, spiky hair came and laughed,"Why you don't think she's hot?"

"Uhhh..." Hikaru backed away, licking his lips. "Enough with the flirty jokes, she may be a girl but that doesn't mean to go all wild on h-"

"Oh, shut up with that shit-"

"Yeah, Hikaru-San, you make it sound like you never said stuff like that before."

"Mhm, Hikaru, they're right. You're not all innocent."


You looked away in embarrassment and decided to get up for a drink of water. You felt dry, from crying of course, and you couldn't stand being uncomfortable.

Awkward~ men are weird.

To the kitchen you went, awkwardly and you opened the fridge. Luckily enough, you found a few cold water bottles and grabbed one. You twisted the bottle right open and started chugging it down. Acting drunk, you grabbed another one and walked back to the living room, stopping at the opening.

You wrinkled your eyebrows, taking a sip of your water.

Boy, do they look familiar..

       "OI!! OI!!" A blondie tip-toed towards you and hugged you, "Y/N-SAN!!"

You gulped.
"Uhm..."You blinked, your anxiety rising, "How...How do you know my name.??"

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