Getting ready.

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I woke up to find my self hugging a very squishy pillow, a long one too.

Huh I never knew Hikaru bought a long pillow...speaking of Hikaru

I looked down at my pillow.. To find it moving..

It had silky blue hair.

Can a pillow have a hair?

I stared at it for a long time to figure out it was Hikaru.

'Oh wow....I feel so bad for him..'

I sat up on his bed, trying not to wake him up. Then, I slowly got off it.
But when I got off, he started to sit up.

I didn't even notice that he was looking at me.

So I I stretched my arms upwards,
Revealing my stomach.

I finally look at him and saw him blushing Fifty Shades of Red.
Me looking down, with my arms still up.

You can easily see my F/C panties

Then looking at my chest,

You can see my f/c bra too.

"Ummm....." Hikaru said looking away..

I put my hands down and smirked.

"You liked what you see?" I teased.

"WHAT!! As if"u

I giggled.

"I'm sorry for taking up your bed and using you as a Human size pillow.....but on the bright side're pretty comfy"

He blushed.

"Well, I guess you should get ready...then start cleaning for the sleep over."

Hikaru got up and walked out the room and came back with a set of clothes.

"Here is some clothing you can wear for now... Their my sister so.. Yea.."


(literately had a pic of a design i had for you to wear.....but i lost it SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME...never mind

never mind

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Here ya go..)

I walked out to find Hikaru.

"Hey, so we are going to have a sleep over right? So now we can start cleaning....." I said.

"Yay..." Hikaru said With sarcasm.

-time skip after cleaning-

Hikaru and I finished cleaning, I made lunch.

Like old times, we sat with each other and talked about anime.

We we're big Fans of anime...but I remember at times he use to get jealous of me when I always talks about my 'husbands'....hehe... what? I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE DEATH THE KID!!!!! After lunch I told Hikaru to take me to my house to pick up clothes. We got in to his SUV and drove to my place.

I saw that Kirito wasn't home... So I opened the door and found most of Asuna stuff inside.

ughhhhh what a whore

i grabbed a suitcase and put ALL my clothes and put it inside. I walked back to Hikaru SUV and we drove off.

"when we go home can we watch soul eater!!"

he quickly said "NO!!"

i frowned. "pleeeeeaaasee"

He sighed and nodded. As we got home. we sat down and relaxed-watching Soul EAter.

I stared right at Hikaru and hugged him.

"Thank You"

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