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  Y/n POV

     "So y/n what's your plan?" Haruhi ask,
"I thought maybe,just maybe,we could get him back by making him jealous..."  I said.

    They were all quiet, not even one peep out of them, this was making me nervous,

   "I-I mean if y-you guys want-"

"No,I would do it" Levi said,

"Yeah Y/n-Chan,if it make you Happy!" Honey-sempai replied,

"Yup,I guess," zero said,


   "Awwwww, we love you too!!" They all surprisingly said at the same time.

  This made me blush,but apart of me didn't want me to crush kirito heart,why??? I don't know.

   "Y/n, you sure you want to do this??" Hikaru asked.

  I thought about it, then replied


"Yo, if kirito get suspicious,let me talk to him,since you know I'm his best friend too,"  said a red head

  "Sure Klein, that would be helpful," I said, while putting my locks of h/c hair in a ponytails.

I hope this plan what would be our plan? Oh amusement park or a sleepover or the mall? Uhhhh...I don't know..

   " Earth to y/n!!!!, are you there?? If my calculations are correct, you are tired?" Ai announced, pulling me out of my thoughts.

   "Huh???.what??...... Oh" i sighed.

  "You spaced out there, for a moment" Eren mumbled,

   "Oh I'm just tired,..... And I found our first mission, A sleepover!!" I yelled happily.

  "OHHHH!!! I like that Y/N-CHAN!!" Honey-sempai yelled. (A/n: Haha at first it put horny,instead of honey!)

"Yeah me too, let me text kirito" I said trying to look for my phone. lol what happen to the pizza?

"HIKARU!!! WhereS MY PHONE!!" I yelled. Picking up my jacket,and having my phone job out.

"Hehe, never mind!!"  Everyone laughed.


"I got it!" Hikaru yelled again, like last time. This time it was the pizza, so while he was getting the pizza I was calling Kirito.

(Bold letters is kirito, italic letters is you)



"I just want to tell you that...Hikaru and I are-
I was cut off by giggling... I tried to ignore it,so I calmly stayed silent.

  "Wait what? Talk faster in pretty busy right now"

"Ahh.. Harder kirito~ FASTER!!"I heard over the phone.

I gasp. Is he doing it with Asuna?

then I hung up.

"Y/n, are you okay??" And blue haired man asked. while holding a few pizza boxes, which of course was The one and only Hikaru.

He noticed the tears all over my face, and was getting worried.

  I just wipe the tears and said "hm yeah I'm alright, thanks for asking though" I yawned "guys I'm tired I'm going to sleep."

  But I only got up and looked around confusedly and ask,

"Umm guys?? Where do I sleep at??"

They looked up from eating pizza.

"Oh,you can sleep in my room y/n" Hikaru smirked.

  "Ok.... Thanks"

I walked towards his room and found pictures of all of us in a frame. I giggle tiredly. Awwwww that's me when I was adorable..OMG IS THAT LEVI OMG HOT

I found the bed and layed down only to realized that I need to take a shower.
  I tiptoe towards his dresser and found a a long f/c shirt. And went to grab my purse that had an extra pair of undergarment. Why do I have it in there? No questions ask!!!!!

I walk to the restroom door and striped of my clothes,and took a shower.

-time skip after da shower-

  "Ahh that feels good, being fresh and clean." I had on the long f/c shirt on, and walk toward the bed. I feel good because I had no pants on, only in underwear.

   I sat on it and thought ''I hope this is a good idea' and found my eyes droop from all the dry tears.

Oh wait...doesn't Hikaru have guest bedrooms?..........*snores*

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