Honey Moment

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  A special Chapter for you guys~<3 


Someone quietly yelled out.

  "Y/n" I heard my name again.

   I woke up to find everybody staring at me. But....with one person left out..

  I sat upon my-I Mean Hikaru's Bed. Holding my head. I felt a sharp dead pain at the side. OUCH!!>~<
   "What?....What happened?"  I forced out.

"Well Somebody-"

  Asuna......Y-y-you b-bitch..

" pushed you against the wall and you past out. But your fine now." Klein frowned.

  I replied with a simple Oh. And everyone went on there way.
  Well gee thanks everyone. ㅍ-ㅍ
   Actually except Honey-Senpai

  He ran up to me and glomped on me!
In return I did the same.

   "Y/N-CHAN!! I WAS WORRIED!!" He yelled out. But soon stopped. He looked straight into my eyes. "Oh..and N/N" he said,stroking my hair.I know it was Asuna... Everyone knows. But she vanished so we didn't have time to beat her up." He narrowed his eyes.


   I flushed pink "Oh......it's alright."  He looked away, getting out of my arms. "HEY!! Wait!" I quietly whimpered out.

  He turned his head around and stared at me. "Yes?.." I just gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and whisper. "Thanks for worrying about me Honey"

  I did a closed eye smile and went off to my slumber.

"I-We love you, Y/n"

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