Sleepover Pt.2

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I stared right at Asuna with an confuse expression.

"Hi..Kirito....and Asuna?" I answered the door. Which sounded more like a question.

Kirito noticed my gaze on her. So he starts awkwardly laughing.

"Oh....hi.....y/n"he said, " as you can see...Asuna is here too!!"

"Oh...why?" I asked not trying to sound rude.


I looks right at Asuna, my face saying come in,but my eyes is fierce with fire.

"Oh I was looking for you at your house...since you know we haven't hanged out in a while.." She lied "then I found Kirito there and he told me that you were over yea.."

Didn't we just hung out a few days ago?

I just smiled, more like forced a smile.


-----time skip-------

All of us got settle in... A few people take the guess room. And a few on the couch.

Luckily Hikaru had about four Guess rooms, so that's plus!

Wait...then again why did I sleep in his room last night.

"So um.....what do you want to do??" I asked. I knew I should have thought of something to Do.well fudge!

"OH!! OH!! I KNOW!!" Honey-sempai yelled.

"Hmm....what is it?" I asked.


'Uhhhhhh....thats not bad...i guess..'


Everyone got up into a circle I was in the middle to Levi and Eren.

Why hello there hot stuffs...

"Alright so who goes first?" Haruhi asks.
"Okay....i guess I go first...." She said

Good I didn't want to be the first one >~>

"Um...Ai truth or dare?" Haruhi asked.

Hey, Readers did you know Ai's name means Love.

"Truth" he answer.

Immediately Haruhi knew what to say.

" it true that you like Y/n when you were younger?!" I blushed,but since Kirito was here. I'm going to act like its nothing.

...he likesss me?! Omfg yas

"Yea,AI, is it true?!" I wiggled my eyebrows

He just a at there nodding. Of course if I was alone, I would be fangirling!

I saw Kirito...burning up with jealous just with AI liking me. Wow....

Go suck a dildo,Kirito

----Time skip----

"OH NEXT IS Y/N!! May i ask her? Please?!!" Armin says.

I nodded.

"Okay...Truth or dare?!"

I thought about it........."Dareee"

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