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7:56— Hikaru♧
Sup my dude

7:56— You

7:57— You
OH!! Wait, I'mma call you~

                   Call Hikaru♧

               Yes                  No

"oh my lordy" you whispered into your phone as you heard the ringing noises, which awaited for Hikaru to pick up.


You bit your cheek. Nothing came. After you announced your greeting, everything became silent.


   "Pffft" you heard laughter over the phone.


   "Really, [Name]? That's all I get?" He, well you supposed, pouted over the phone. "No 'oh mah gosh! IT'S BEEN SO LONGGG!!~~~"

    He screeched, mocking your voice in a very annoying, cliché, girly voice. Quickly,You held your phone away, basically holding it "L style" as you sat straight up on bed.

  "Hoe, shut up. You're so loud-" you rolled your eyes jokingly, "Anywho, let's hang out tomorrow"

   Hikaru chuckled and you swore you heard the word "feisty~" come out of his mouth. "Ok, sure."

    "HhArghhh" ugly-tired sounds blew throughout your mouth. You yawned.

  "Ah-I'm going to bed, good night"

  "Your bed gets to sleep with you, awe lucky~"

    You chuckled,"night" then you hung up. Not really waiting for his response. But eh oh well.

    "Sheesh" You turned off your phone.
        "That pervert"


      You couldn't really sleep. It's like something was stopping you, trying to tell you something. But nothing came. It made no sense for you.

   You sighed loudly, you were bored. Nothing else to do and you can't just sleep.

  Suddenly, and of course, your boyfriend phone 'dinged'

      Obviously Kirigaya was asleep so he couldn't answer it. What if it's something important?

   You poked him and whispered his name.
Nah,just kidding, you spoke out his name.
Like why do people whisper the person's name when they are trying to wake up that same person. It's pretty strange.

   Anywho, you toppled over your boyfriend and checked his phone.

1:04— Sun»
Alright, good night. See you later~

You stared at the message. You wanted to so bad check the previous messages, but you respected his privacy. But..who's sun?

   You didn't want to believe it.

  "Mmm...[Name]? What's going..on?" Kirito mumbled tiredly, half asleep and A bit surprised that you were partly on top of him.

He almost knead you.

    "Nothing" you said sharply, shoving yourself away from him. "Go back to bed, shithead"

   Your eyes shifted to your bleak wall, which actually had a [Artist] piece hanging.  

"Huh?" His eyes widen, " You okay?" Only not wide enough to care about you.

         "Of course I am,"you closed your eyes. Your boyfriend's eyes still on you, well your back, in shock. Soon enough, you were already getting tired. You started to let sleep get the best of you. However, You did  whispered again.

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