I'm not okay i Promise

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I stared blankly at both of the two assholes. Why are they-wait what's going on?

Whore and Fucker sat awkwardly on a couch. Eyeing Whore-I mean Asuna carefully. Which I saw that she was trying so hard to be able to sit on fucker-um I mean Kirito lap.
'Ugh..she tries so hard'

Hikaru went to the Middle of the room. With haruhi by his side with a clipboard. 'A clipboard?'

"Alright-so you all may be wondering why we are here." Haruhi Announced
"Well most of you" she glared at kirito and asuna.

I guess Haruhi had a clipboard just for the moment.

"Right now-we are going to be talking" Hikaru said. "What I mean by talking..Just Y/n,Kirigaya,and Asuna"
And with that everyone left To the kitchen.   I was right...
   All of my friends I consider brothers and sister.      Left.me.alone.With.them.

I sat awkwardly on the couch.shifting to one side every once in a while.
I played with my hair,not giving eye contact.

"So..." Someone started.

"Kirito you look nice today" Asuna flirted.

"Not now Hone-Asuna..not now"

I stared blankly at the two. What was I suppose to feel? Like for real they are even do this right in front of me. How am I supposed to act? Haha never mind.

I threw the glass cup that was on the coffee table. Which I made all eyes on me. I regret doing that. So I went to pick up the broken pieces.

I'm so stupid....why..why did I throw it.. ;-;

"Whoa sweetheart-" his arm got slap-"are you okay?" He asked in concerned.

Blood dripped down.

'Oh now he's taking pity on me..really.'

I quickly stood up. "No."

'I'm not okay,I promise'

"What?" They both said in a unison.

"I said no, I'm not okay" I glared. "You know why?!" I spat out.


I stood up straight. "Because..." I started."because of you guys. I knew  guys." My eyes started tearing up." I KNEW!! I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE CHEATING ON ME WITH AND FOR EACH OTHER"

..each other seductive needs..

They looked at each other-paled.


..I hate it...


   I hate being alone..

"So as a result...Kirigaya,we are over"

It's not like I ever meant anything to him..

"And Asuna.." I looked at the bracelet she's wearing. Huh..surprising.aye?

"I don't think our friendship ever meant anything to you..so"
I showed her my arm that didn't have the same charm..anymore

"So take off that damn charm"

Tears form in her eyes. "Y/n, I-"

"Now.." I wiped my tears. "Can you please get out." I beg.
"I don't wanna see you guys"

Yes that right.

"I want to make it like we are strangers" I frowned.

Kirito face was blank he didn't know what to say. But from what I could see his eyes were glistening.
Man..I would've thought he would be the Brave on here.

Asuna left the house first. I ran up to Kirito and hugged him. He was surprised when I did.

I bet he...he's thinking something else.

I whisper in his ear and broke the hug.

Yes...that's right...good bye.

He stood there.
Smiled and left.

I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way

         I'm not..I'm not okay..I promise.

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