Haruhi and Y/n Dayout

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*is sorry that this is short*

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I sighed. We had to call off the sleepover because of my incident.

And we didn't succeed our/my plan. I ended up making it seem like I was cheating. I don't want that.

I don't want to seem like an hypocrite..

"Hey? Y/n! I was wondering if you want to hang out today...with no boys" she mumbled the last part.

I didn't have to think twice. I right away said "YES!! OMG!! YAHHH!! Let me go get change!"

Then off I went.

-Time skip-

Haruhi and I was at the mall. I bought a few things from "HotTopic" and some cute Vans. While Haruhi bought a fitted sweater that says " ._. " and shorts that is just below the knees.

"Wow!!" I heard Haruhi say.

I turned around to find a ginormous book store.
I almost drool at the sight. I love books.

It been 85 years since I last read a book. (Do you Guys get it?)
It actually been like a few months.
When I started dating Kirito, I think. My sense of time is warped.


So anyways Haruhi and I went inside the book store. And looked around.

I saw TONS Of Mangas. Whoa isn't this splendid.^^
Haruhi went to the studying school-ish section. Is that what's is called? Come on Haruhi be fun!

I saw the complete set of the Soul eater collection. 1-25 VOLUMES!!
HELL YES!! wait do they have Tokyo Ghoul?.

I went to go hunt for the mangas. But surprisingly I saw the OHSHC set. Which made me thing about the people that I'm friends with from there. Honey-senpai would be soo proud.

"HEY HARUHI!!" I yelled out to her.

"YEA?!" She replied.

I motion her to come over where I'm at. "Look!" I pointed at the OHSHC collection.

She almost fainted at the sight.
"Please,Y/n.....i don't want to remember I was starred in the show.." She blushed.

I giggle at her embarrassment.
I then picked up the box set of soul eater, And bought it.

Mm...to keep my mind off of.

After walking around a little, we decided to go home.

-Time Skip-

Haruhi dropped me off at Hikaru's house. "BYE!!" I gave her a hug.

"See you later,y/n" she smiled, and she went on her way.

I sighed, and walked up to his house.
I knocked a few time.

No answer

I knocked again.

No answer


No answer

I took the Bobby pin out of my hair and started picking the lock. After a few tries it unlocked.


    Dropping all of my items. I gasped

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