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I decided to add the original/1st ending to this story up on here. I personally like the new version(ending);but tell me your opinion. Okie? 
   [oh and the picture above is my kittens when they were born 10 months ago >~<]

  Kirito POV
Y/n ran up to me, giving me a surprising hug. I thought this was it. That she just lied because Asuna was there. Hahah no it was the opposite

   Right now I'm in the car with Asuna driving home. Our home. I took the passenger seat. Because freak'n Asuna wanted to drive so that's why.

It was dark out now.well it always have. I looked at my hand. What Y/n gave me when the hug happen, I'm holding. I smiled, but tears came down.

I couldn't help it. I betrayed her. I loved her. I cheated on her. I wasn't loyal with her. Worst of all, it was with her BFF.

   I looked out the window seeing all the lights on so us drivers can at least see.

Suddenly.. We stopped. Asuna wasn't driving. I heard different cars beeping. I heard the cops sirens. What's going on? I asked myself.

I widen my eyes. Is this why Asuna wanted to drive? Is this the pain y/n felt? I quickly open my hand. To check if it's still there.

Luckily it was. But besides that was here, Asuna was long Gone. I put the ring on. It was the engagement ring I gave y/n a long time ago.

Tears form on me because I missed her and because she gave me the ring back. Then just then everything went black.

  "Only know you love her when you let her go~ Kirito I wish you the best of luck. Be happy and don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I hope you will too-I love you <3"

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