History Class

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Finn found himself being quite nervous as he sat down next to Rachel who had already found her seat. She didnt look at him when he sat down. He tried to say hi but she completely ignored him talking to the girl infront of him. This was unusual for Finn as girls usually jump at the chance to talk at him. He just thought that she didnt want to be rude to the girl that she was already in mid conversation with. The class continued and Finn and Rachel barely made eye contact. Finn tried a few times to start conversation but Rachel was clever and gave answers that caused the conversation to die. 

Teacher: Right discuss with your partners about why you think this happened and how do you think you could of improved it.

Finn: So what do you think about it i dont really get it to be honnested.

Rachel: *shrugs shoulders*

Finn: wow your good at conversations he whispers

Rachel hearing what he says just rolls her eyes which he catches in the corner of his eye.

A vibration is then heard. Its Finn's phone:

What the hell is happening she should be so into you right now instead shes practically got her back towards you - Puck.

Finn realising he is totally right replies:

I dont know what to do i tried to talk to her but shes just completly blanking me, i dont know what to do - Finn.

Maybe try talking to her outside of class - Puck.

Finn just shrugged his shoulders at the text and decided to put his phone away.

Rachel POV 

Urgh this is the worst lesson ever im bored and i will not talk to Finn. He keeps trying to talk to me but i just dont even want to consider it. 

*the bell rings* 

That is the quickest ive ever left a lesson. 

Santana: So how was it? Did you talk to Finn at all?

Rachel: Nope and i dont plan to, come on were gonna be late for practice..

Finns POV

I am actually really bummed about that lesson. Rachel was completely ignoring me.

Puck: Dude, what the hell was going on in that lesson?

Finn: I dont know, she just wouldnt talk to me. The worst thing is that knowing my luck i will be sat next to her in all the lessons we have.

Finn was right they sat next to eachother in every other lesson they had together. Every lesson was the same as their first. No contact made.

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