Could This Actually Work?

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Puck: Hey Finn!

Finn: Hey man!

Puck: Look you need to be cheered up so come out with me tonight?

Finn: Yeah okay, it would be nice to be distracted.

Puck walks away, Rachel was listening into the conversation and as he walks past her they high five. Rachel and Santana have decided to meet outside their lockers to catch up and also Santana wanted to make sure Rachel was okay she was very fragile at the moment.

Rachel: Hey San

Santana: Hey Rach!

Rachel: I don't think it's gonna work you know, what if he doesn't believe it?

Santana: He will, trust me. Right we better get working on the next part haven't we?!

Rachel: Let's go!

Santana walks off in the opposite direction to Rachel, Rachel makes her way to another corridor. On her way she sees Finn, they share a glance that lasts a long time and even when they finish both of them turn around afterwards.

Rachel: Hey Jesse!

Jesse: *flinches* your not gonna slap me again are you?

Rachel: No completely the opposite, meet me in the auditorium in five won't be disappointed.

Jesse: okay!!

Jesse thinks Rachel has finally seen what he sees, them together. Little does Jesse know Rachel is an amazing actress. When she walks away she gets a load of glares, she's kind of got a bad reputation right now. Also someone managed to get a picture of her slapping Jesse which made it onto Jacob's blog.


Jesse: Hey Rach your here.

Rachel: yepp

Jesse starts to walk over to Rachel and just as he's about to kiss her Santana appears from the side of the stage.

Santana: I would do that if I was you

Jesse: What are you doing here?

Santana: I'm going to get the truth out of you!

Jesse begins to run away but Quinn is already there blocking the only other exit.

Santana: Rachel didn't kiss you did she?

Jesse doesn't answer.

Santana: Did she?

Jesse: Urm yeah she did, multiple times.

Santana: Listen here, if you don't tell the truth I will go all Lima Heights on your ass!

Santana begins to walk up to Jesse likes she's about to hit him. Jesse holds up his hands to face.

Jesse: Okay, okay Rachel didn't kiss me at all. I made it up.

Rachel: Why?

Jesse: Finn was bragging about what an amazing girlfriend you were taking him to that football game and how he had never been happier and....

Rachel: Aww, did he really say that.

Jesse: "Yes!" He snaps

Santana: Anyway what has that got to do with it?

Jesse: Well it was really annoying me I mean Rachel was mine first, so I wanted Finn not to have you.

Rachel: Urgh get over yourself.

Rachel, Santana and Quinn all high five when leaving the auditorium.

Rachel is happy for the rest of the day, she thinks to herself 'could this actually work?'

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