Wait...your in glee club?

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Finn has been pretty down ever since his heated conversation with Rachel he just feels so bad and now he feels invisible to her as she's ignoring him worse than before. Which he didn't think was possible but it happened.

Please can I talk to you it's important - Finn.

Yeah sure meet me at the football fields - Santana

Football Fields

Finn: Hey your here

Santana: Yeah what's up?What did you wanna talk to me about?

Finn: Well...Rachel. You see she just like exploded on me what I think she's been holding in for a while and things are really bad between us and I just don't know what to do, and your like her best friend. So can you help me?

Santana: I don't know what you could do, I mean she's really upset. And I presume you apologised so I think just give her time to cool off and then take it from there.

Finn: Okay thanks that's sounds like a good idea.

Santana : can I ask you something?

Finn: Yeah sure

Santana:the Finn Hudson I know would've just walked away and not even cared so why is Rachel different to anyone else? Is it the best friend thing or is it because Finn Hudson has a little crush on Rachel Berry..?

Finn: I gotta go
Finn walks away fast. He knows Santana knows his secret.

Santana: Hahahaha, aw Finn wait its cute!

Football Practice

Finn seems completely distracted and not paying attention he cannot get Rachel out of his head. He's had crushes before but none like this.

Puck: You okay buddy?

Finn:Yeah just keep thinking about Rachel.

Puck; How could you not she is smoking and th...


Puck:Sorry bro. Anyway way how are you gonna make it up to her?

Finn: That's something I've been meaning to talk to you about...

Puck: Oh no I think I know what your gonna say.

Finn: I wanna join glee club

Puck: Oh no

Finn: and I want you and Mike to join with me.

Glee Club

Mr Schue: Right guys unfortunately no new members have signed up for glee club...

Artie: What does this mean

The other glee members nod in agreement

Mr Schue: It means that we keep going until more people join. Now Rachel I hear you have another song to sing for us today.

Rachel: I do

Rachel nods at the piano man indicating for him to start

She begins to sing Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

Finns POV

I was in so much trouble I was late so I was there running down the corridor and then something, some sound physically made me stop. It was so beautiful. She was so beautiful. Her voice was so angelic and when I began to listen I realised her song and i realised why she was singing it. It made me feel sick. How can I make someone feel this way. All I want is for us to be at least friends or so that we get along. I need to join glee, wait but I can't sing and then I'll just embarrass myself. I don't care I need to do this. However I couldn't drag myself away from the door of the choir room I just had to wait until she finished her song. I looked at the other members of glee club most of them I didn't know. Quinn and Santana were in tears and I don't blame them I was trying to hold my tears back.

Santana's Pov

Rachel is such a beautiful singer, so much that she put me in tears. That song you can just fell her pain. I just wish her and Finn could get along. I can see them being such good friends. Like laughing in the hallways and they would obviously be the type that would flirt with each other. Finn wouldn't complain as he clearly is attracted to her. Well this just shows I have way too much spare time after I finish fantasising about my own life I move onto my friends. My fantasies are mainly about Puck anyway. We talk a lot and I think I'm falling for him. Hard.

Boys Changing Rooms

Finn: guys I've decided I'm joining glee club, I need to sort this whole thing out with Rachel.

Mike: I'll come with you, i really want to learn how to sing.

Puck: I just know I will regret this but I'll come too.

Other Jocks: Excuse me ladies this is the men's changing rooms the girls changing rooms are down the hall.

Puck: Listen your the ones that are only on the team in case one of us gets injured so don't talk to us like that we are still perfectly capable of beating the hell out of you no matter what other clubs were in. Oh and by the way have you seen Finn he's so strong and freakishly tall he could very easily floor you at practice in five minutes so keep your mouths shut.

The other jocks are now silent. They even look terrified when Finn stands up and they now realise how muscular and tall he is. they decide that it's best to leave.

Mike: Well that told them.


Glee Club

Mr Schue: Well glee members we have some people willing to audition to become part of glee club.

Kurt: Oh god, we're going to have to sit through someone screech a song that used to be my favourite song but they will then make me never want to listen to it again.

Mr Schue: Kurt be polite. And now here we have Mike Chang, Noah Puckerman and Finn Hudson.

Everyone including the cheer leaders jaws are wide open.

Puck: now that's a reaction I like.

Mr Schue: now which one of you is going first.

Finn: Well Mikes here to learn how to sing so he won't be auditioning and I think Puck wants to go first.

Puck then grabs a guitar and begins to sing Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond and during the song he often makes eye contact with Santana. Rachel and Quinn keeping giving her looks when they realise.

Puck gets a round of applause

Mr Schue: Alright! Wow Noah I really didn't expect that nice job. Finn you ready?

Finn:yep, I'm singing this song because I didn't know what to say to someone so I thought i would try singing it.

Finn starts singing What It Feels Like For A Girl by Madonna.

Quinn and Santana give each other an 'OMG' look and then they both look at Rachel who has tears building up in her eyes.

Finn finishes the song and everyone jumps to their feet.

Mr Schue: Just wow, I don't know about you guys but I think we have some great new members here. Welcome to glee club.

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