It's All Coming Together Now

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Santana: Hey Puck we got the last piece of the plan all together now you just need to make sure you and Finn are there tonight.

Puck: Oh that's great and don't worry we will be, I'll make sure of it.

Rachel's Room

Santana: Rachel we need to make sure you look hot as hell tonight.

Rachel: Haha why?

Quinn: Duh! Because Finn needs to fall for you every time he looks at you.

Santana: Right let's get on with it then.

They all drive to this local concert which is for unknown artists of Lima. The whole school is there, Rachel is getting nervous.

Puck: Woohoo!! Boys night out you ready to celebrate.

Finn: I don't feel much like celebrating

Puck : I'm sure tonight will change your mind.

Finn: What's that suppose to mean??

Puck: Oh nothing.

They both walk into what looks like a bar with a stage at the front of it. They see all the familiar faces from school. Then Finn suddenly freezes.

Puck: What's up?

Finn points in front of him and there she is,Rachel Berry looking hot as hell just like Santana wanted her to. Everybody is staring Finn is mesmerised by her she's so elegant. He doesn't notice anyone but her as she walks over to them. He's so speechless and shocked by how amazing she looks he doesn't have time to realise that she is walking over to them until it's too late.

Rachel: Hey guys,

Finn: Urm..hi

Puck: Hey Rach you okay?

Rachel: Yes thanks

Finn: I'm gonna go and get some drinks, I really need one.

Puck: Well looks like it's all coming together now!

A Finchel Story-'We Are Endgame'Where stories live. Discover now