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Everyone has decided their songs now all they need to do is rehearse them so they will be the winners of the duet competition.

Glee Club

Mr Schue: Because we will be in the auditorium when we are all performing I have booked it for the week so everyone can practice on the stage before the day. I have all given you a day and a time slot for you to perform:

Finn: Rachel we have it today, you free at lunch?

Rachel: Yepp.


Rachel: Finn your late!

Finn comes running in

Finn: I know I know I was at the other end of the school

Rachel: I'm sure I can forgive you *winks* you ready?

Finn nods

Rachel: Hit it!

When they are singing they keep giving each other intimate looks and as they finish the song they kiss. Rachel pulls away and runs off stage. Finns left standing there. He sits down on the stage and puts his head in his hands. What've they done?

I REALLY need to talk to you - Rach xoxo

Sure what's up? - Santana xoxo

Me and Finn kissed - Rachel xoxo

Finally!! Wait why is this a bad thing? - Santana xoxo

He's my best friend that's how I want it..for now at least how do I tell him without hurting his feelings - Rachel xoxo

I don't think there is a way sorry babe - Santana xoxo

It's okay it's not your fault I'll just have to speak to him - Rachel xoxo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dude I need your help - Finn.

What've you done now? - Puck.

I kissed Rachel - Finn.

Why are you complaining? - Puck.

I just got her as a friend what if we break up and it's a bad break up, them I've lost her for good. Maybe something could happen in the future but just not now. She's my best friend that how for now I want to keep it - Finn.

Ahh, good point. There's an easy solution to this. Date a girl. - Puck.

Won't that just hurt her feelings? - Finn

No - she will see that you want to date other people and just be friends and it will save you that whole awkward conversation. TRUST ME - Puck.

I guess I could try it. See you tomorrow. -Finn.


Not knowing that they both want exactly the same thing. Finn finds himself a hot girlfriend and Rachel prepares herself to talk to Finn.


Rachel POV

Oh no, oh no I see Finn and he's walking right towards me and he's got that adorable half smile on his face. I don't think I'm feeling okay because when he is walking I am seeing it in slow motion. Oh god he's nearly here. Wait, he just walked straight past me. Oh, he's gone to talk to this very pretty cheerleader. Oh and now there making out. Ouch, my heart hurts. I never thought Finn could do something like this especially not now because we're best friends. I can't take this anymore. I see Santana running up to me. Oh great, Finn seeing Santana starts to turn around. I have to get out of here, now. I run into the girls toilets and breakdown.

Santana POV

That idiot. How could he do this to Rachel! She is gorgeous the kindest person i know, the best girlfriend he could have. I know he has feelings for her. I watch them together in lessons and when Rachel's not looking at him the way he looks at her. It makes your heart melt. I didn't realise that I was the only one who saw Finn making out with his new girlfriend. I see Rachel. The look on her face makes your heart break. I run up to her. Finn sees me running and turns around but Rachel must have realised he was turning around and ran away. I don't know where she went. When I walk past Finn I give him the dirtiest look I have ever given anyone. I see the girls bathroom door just close I know she's in there. I walk in and there she is on the floor in tears. I just go up to her and hold her and tell her it's going to be okay. I quickly take out my phone.

Meet me in the girls toilets - urgent. - Santana xoxo

I instantly get a reply

On my way - Quinn xoxo

Quinn POV

I feel my phone my phone vibrate I get it out and there's a text from Santana telling me to meet her in the girls toilets I start making my way over there. When I arrive I just see Rachel in tears. I act on instinct and just go straight over to the other side of her and hold her with Santana. After Rachel calms down she explains everything to me. I hate Finn Hudson. I mean how could he do that to her.

Glee Club

Mr Schue: Right it's competition day Finn and Rachel your up first.

Santana and Quinn look at each other and wonder if she can make it through her performance. Finn and Rachel are on opposite sides of the stage. When the music starts they start to walk into the middle. When there performance finishes Rachel quickly looks away from Finn and at the audience who are all up on their feet.

Mr Schue: Wow guys that was amazing. Puck and Santana your up next.

And so everyone had their turn at singing. Rachel sat in the middle of Quinn and Santana so she didn't have to sit next to Finn. When it was Santana's performance she put her jacket on the chair so Finn wouldn't try and sit their and Quinn did the same. Everybody's performances were amazing they all sang amazing songs:

Puck&Santana: I won't give up - Jason Mraz

Quinn&Sam: Lucky - Jason Mraz

Mike&Tina: Sing! - A Chorus Line

Artie&Britney - Hey Soul Sister

Mercedes&Kurt: Need you Now - Lady Antebellum

Mr Schue: Wow guys all of your performances were great I now need to decide which one wins. I'll let you know in next weeks rehearsal. Have a good weekend see you guys on Monday.

Finn: Rachel wait up!!

Quinn: Rachel go ahead we'll sort this out

Quinn and Santana stand side by side and block Finns way

Finn: Please can I get past?

Quinn: course you cannot! You hurt Rachel so just stay away from her ok?

Finn: But I need to talk to her

Santana : No you don't she doesn't need you hurting her even more.

Finn: But I...

Quinn: Save it for your new girlfriend.

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