Can Things Get Better?

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Rachel we really need to talk - Finn x

I just want to explain - Finn x

Please just answer my messages - Finn x

Rachel I need to speak to you - Finn x

I feel so bad about all of this please just reply - Finn x

12 missed calls from Finn Hudson

Rachel has had enough of all of Finn's messages she isn't ready to talk to him she was is still hurting

*Settings>Contacts>Blocked Numbers>Add Number to Block>Contacts>Finn Hudson*


Glee Club

Mr Schue: The winner of the duet contest is..drumroll Finn..Santana and Puck!


Mr Schue: yeah! You guys were amazing up there and I also realised you had the biggest round of applause.

Santana: Mr Schue please can me and Quinn sing a song?

Mr Schue: Sure girls take it away.

Quinn: This is a song that sums up our feelings perfectly.

Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects starts playing.

As soon as they start to sing Finn realises who this song is aimed at and why. So does Rachel she even joins in partway through.
Everybody claps at the end of the performance. They go and sit down and Rachel mouthes thank you to them both.

Finn POV

Okay now Rachel is the one who needs to apologise. That song made me feel like crap. I don't even care anymore.

Rachel, Santana and Quinn all walk down the hallway. This is the first time they have seen Rachel smile in ages. However her smile suddenly drops when she sees Finn. They see she has stopped smiling and follows her eyes and sees they are fixated on Finn. As soon as Finn sees Rachel he grabs his girlfriend who is called Stephanie and starts to full on make out with her. Rachel just walks away. Quinn and Santana aren't far behind but far behind enough to see Finn instantly stop kissing Stephanie when Rachel is no longer there.

Quinn starts to make a run at Finn but Santana holds her back. Quinn starts yelling at Finn, he just looks terrified. Everybody is now watching as Santana manages to drag Quinn away.

Football Practice

Finn can't stop staring at Rachel who is on the opposite field. He has now realised that he does really like Rachel and really wants to be her. But after everything that has happened he knows it won't be that simple.

Cheerleading Practice

Rachel can't stop thinking about Finn, she won't admit it to anybody though. She wishes he felt the same. She just doesn't realise that he feels exactly the same,once again.

Quinn: Hey Rach come here for a sec

Quinn is with one of the jocks and she seems excited.

Quinn: Rachel this is Jessie he's just transferred and has made the football team

Rachel: Hi Jessie nice to meet you

Jessie: Hi Rachel nice to meet you too.

Quinn: Anyway I thought that maybe you two could go out sometime.

Rachel: Yeah maybe *bites her lip*

Jessie: Ill see you around.

Finn: Hey puck who's that guy?

Puck: He's the new kid he just made it on the team today.

Finn: Why is he talking to Rachel?

Puck: I dunno.


Rachel is now dating Jessie. She is happy but she always wonders what it would be like if she were dating Finn. That's all she really wants. Finns being really down and broke up with Stephanie which didn't really bother him but seeing Rachel kiss Jessie did and now he sees how much it must of hurt Rachel especially seeing him doing it purposely when she's around. What was he thinking?

Jessie: Hey babe what's up?

Rachel: Dunno it's just one of those weeks.

Jessie: Aw hope you cheer up *kisses cheek*

The only reason Jessie kissed Rachel is because he saw Finn stood behind her and decided to make him jealous as he found out the other day that he has a crush on her.

Rachel realises what he is doing as he begins to kiss her on the lips and pulls away. She greets Finn because she want to be polite but that's all. She walks off to her next lesson.

Jessie: Look Finn, Rachel is my girlfriend you need to back off

Finn: Me and Rachel like never talk though

Jessie: I've seen the way you look at her. Back off.

He then slams his locker door and storms away.

Finn just hopes things can get better.

A Finchel Story-'We Are Endgame'Where stories live. Discover now