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Rachel is just leaving her locker about to meet Santana and Quinn when a group of jocks approach her. 

Jock: Damn girl you fine, you know?

Rachel: err..thanks

Another Jock: You know your like one of the popular girls in school now? 

Rachel: Oh okay

Finn seeing Rachel with all of his mates, decides now is the time to talk to her outside of class like Puck said. He decided to pretend like he didn't know Rachel was there. 

Finn: Hey guys hows it going...oh hey its Rachel right?

Rachel: yes

Jocks: Hey Hudson

Rachel: yeah.. I gotta go bye guys. Finn.

You could instantly see the disappointment in Finns eyes. He didn't know what to do, what had he done?

Hey where are you need to talk to you? - Rachel xoxo 

Sorry had to go family dinner, whats up? - Santana xoxo

Finn keeps trying to talk to me and im really trying not to punch him in the face - Rach xoxo

We'll talk tomorrow - Santana xoxo

**Next Day**

Santana POV 

I really think Rachel should give Finn a chance, i mean the guys like the nicest guy in the world and that's coming from me.

Cheerios Practice

Coach: Rach Santana and Q can i speak to you for a sec.

All three girls: Whats up coach?

Coach: your not gonna like this but i want you girls to join glee club. 

Rach: you were right about the not liking it part.

Quinn: Coach were the most popular girls in school being in glee club is like going to the bottom of the pyramid.

Coach: Its just for the vocal performances, dont get me wrong you girls are amazing singers but for  competitions you need to be perfect. Look anybody who calls you losers send them to me.

Girls: Fine

Quinn POV

I cant believe we are being forced to join glee club. Yeah i get it we need to be on top with our vocals but get a vocal coach not send us to the loser club. 

In the hallways.

The jocks approach the girls all with bright red slushys.

Jock: We hear you've joined loserville?

Quinn: Oh no, this cant be happening.

Santana: This has never happened to me before

Rachel: Dont worry the stinging stops after a while 

*all girls close their eyes waiting for the freezing red dye number 7 ice drinks to hit their faces*

Mystery voice: WAIT!

Jock: Wait your defending these losers?!

Finn: Yes and these losers happen to be the most popular in the school so imagine how dead you'd be if you tossed that slushy at them, is it worth the risk?

*The jocks realize this, and lower their slush's and walk away in shame*

Quinn: Thanks Finn you really saved us

Santana: Yeah Finn we owe you

Finn was still waiting for his thanks from Rachel but it was clear that it wasn't going to happen so he just decided to leave it

Finn: Its okay.

Santana: Well we better go to glee club yay' she says sarcastically 

Finn: why do you even have to go?

Quinn: Coach says our vocals need to be perfect for our vocal performances. We carry all the vocals as we're the only ones that can sing.

Finn: Woah i didnt know you could sing, ill have to sneak into glee and listen to you

Santana: haha very funny anyway see you later.

A Finchel Story-'We Are Endgame'Where stories live. Discover now