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It was time for Sectionals. The New Directions were ready they had practiced enough and were ready. They were against Aural Intensity and Jane Adams Academy.

They were first on. Finn and Rachel were up first.

Finn: Good Luck, were gonna nail this.

Rachel: Yeah we are! Good Luck!

Finn: Highway run into the midnight sun wheels go round and round your on my mind

Rachel: Restless hearts sleep alone tonight sending all my love along the wire....

Their duet finishes the crowd are standing and give them one hell of an applause. Finn and Rachel hug as they are so happy about their performance.

Finn: Caaaannnn....

When they finish their performance of Somebody to Love they get another standing ovation. They all form a group hug. Everybody runs off the stage filled with excitement.They don't hear what the other groups perform there so busy celebrating.They dont care if they dont win they are so happy that they got to perform like that.

They are then summoned to the stage. All three groups are on the stage. They all look nervous.

Woman: In third place is...Jane Adams Academy. And in first place is

There is a pause that seems to last for minutes even though its a few seconds.

Woman: William McKinley High New Directions!!

They all jump in the air as soon as they hear their name. Finn goes up and accepts the trophy and then raises it in the air. They are so happy.

We did good today - Finn x

Yeah, nice job ;) - Rachel x

Glee Club

Mr Schue: Guys i am so proud of you, and Finn and Rachel you nailed that duet (Finn and Rachel high five) This week is also along the compettiion lines were having a duet contest. You will get your partner by picking them out of the hat. And before you say there aren't enough members we have two new members Sam Evans and Britney Pierce. Right guys come and pick your partners.

Finn: Yess!! Rachel! *they both grin at each-other*

Santana: Noah

Artie: Britney

Quinn: Sam

Mike: Tina

Kurt: Mercedes

Right you have this week to decide your number and rehearse, and the winner will get a meal at Breadstix.

Finn: Come on Rach we can so win this!!

Puck: Oh I don't think so me and Santana are gonna bring it.

Rachel: Hey Quinn you excited to be with Sam

Quinn: Yeah I kind of am, I sit next to him in Chemistry he's really nice.

Finn: I think you likeee him!

They all laugh

Quinn: Shut it Finn

Finn: (to Rachel) oo someone's a bit touchy

Quinn just glares at Finn.


Everybody is by their lockers the girls are all next to each other on side and all the boys are at their lockers opposite them.

Rachel: Hey Santana you happy to be with Puck, seen as you likeee him.

Santana: Shut it Berry! God you and Finn are so alike.

Finn: Aw, are you girls talking about how much you love me?

Rachel: Pfft in your dreams.

Finn gently punches Rachel in the arm. They then start play fighting with each other

Quinn: God why don't they just get a room.

Puck: I know I wish they would just hurry up and go out already!

Santana: OH MY GOD!! They're Finchel!!

Everybody laughs at the couple name.

Finn: Puck, Mike come on we're gonna be late for practice. Rach we still on for tonight?

Rachel: yepp

Finn: Ok I'll come get you after cheer leading practice and then we can decide where we're going.

Rachel: Ok see you then *hugs Finn*

Football Practice

The boys are stretching whilst they wait for their coach to show up.

Puck: So what's all this about you and Rachel tonight?

Finn: Oh we're just gonna sort out stuff for the duet competition.

Mike: Oh is that what they call it now.

Finn: Shut up!

Cheerleading Practice

Santana: So what are you and Finn doing tonight?

Rachel: Oh just sorting stuff out for the duet competition.

Quinn: God you so like him

Rachel: Do not

Quinn: Do too

Rachel: Do not

Quinn:All I'm saying is you flirt all the time

Rachel: Your mistaken we don't flirt.

Santana: Oh please you were just flirting like 5 minutes ago.

Rachel: It wasn't fl....can just leave it?


Finn: Hey Rach over here!

Rachel: Hey Finn!

Finn: I drove my car round to the other side of the school it's just round the corner.

Finn puts his arm around Rachel, she blushes.

In the car they just talk about their day but neither of them mention about their friends saying they like each other.

Finn's Bedroom

There listening to music, they both have one ear bud in one ear. There doing there history homework when Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are starts playing.

Both: I love this song!

They both burst out laughing.

Finn: Well I guess that's our song for the duet competition.

A Finchel Story-'We Are Endgame'Where stories live. Discover now