Maybe Happily Ever After Does Exist

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That night Finn and Rachel made their relationship more intimate and both of them will never regret it.

Rachel -POV-

Oh my god last night was just amazing! Finn is the love of my life, I know it may sound like it's too early but he is. I mean look at everything we've been through and we still ended up in each others arms that's got to be a sign.


Finn now gives Rachel lifts to school since her dad's got new jobs, but she isn't complaining she loves spending time with Finn. They can just talk so freely with each other and they never have awkward times. When they arrive at school they both walk past their lockers and are hoping to bump into someone I'm particular...

Finn: There he is!

Rachel: You ready?

Finn: Yep I think so...

Rachel: Hey Jacob we have something for you

Jacob: What is it? Hey wait a minute are you two an item now? But what about Jesse? Have you forgiven her? Did you have a fight? Is that why Jesse seems really upset?

Finn: Woah calm down. I feel like I'm being interrogated!! Just listen to this that'll answer most of your questions

Rachel: and yes we are an item. Have fun updating your blog

As Finn and Rachel walk down the hallway they get a few surprised looks but they know it will be all be sorted as soon as Jacob close to a computer. And just as they expected after first period there it was. On the first page:


As you all know Jesse has been saying that Rachel cheated on Finn with him, and as you all know by now Finn and Rachel are now back together. So are you all wondering what I was? Has Finn forgiven Rachel? What happened moments before they decided to get back together? Well the thing is Rachel had nothing to be forgiven for. Jesse St.James is a liar and made up the whole thing because he wanted Rachel back after hearing what an amazing girlfriend she was and how good Finn was at being her boyfriend. But all lies are revealed in the end.
Rachel has had to put up with the whispering and the talking behind her back for weeks, and Finn not believing her. But it must of all been worth it as looking of pictures of them today shows just how happy they are. As you can see, they belong together.
And just in case you don't believe that Jesse falsely accused Rachel here is a recording with his confession.

And below was the recording handed to Jacob that morning. Things were exactly how they we're suppose to be. And that is how they stayed forever.

Finn: You know what I think Rach?

Rachel: What?

Finn: Well I know I love you and your the best thing that's ever happened to me but I also think that we are endgame.

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