Meeting a genie

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I needed another person, I thought. No way was I going back..

I slumped to the ground. I didn't even know if I could find my way back.

Just when I thought of giving up, and at least trying to go back, I heard a mans voice.

"Hellooooo!" He called over. I jumped up and searched the room for him. "Where are you!" I yelled, excited to see a human that wasn't on fire, and frozen. "Up here!" He shouted.

I looked up to see a man around thirty, climbing down a rope to meet me.

"Wow! I really didn't expect to see another human down here!" He laughed, now collecting his rope and running over to me.

"Me either!" I told him, relieved to see a face. Now we could proceed on into the next room!

"Whats your name?" He asked grasping my shoulders. I smiled and told him it was Mor. I didn't need anymore people knowing my full name.

"I'm Cassim! Nice to meet you.. I cant believe a little girl like you made it all the way down here!" He patted my back and gestured to the grand door.

I followed him, still holding onto him for human-support.

"It seems we needed two hands, so I had been waiting for somebody, living off of the very little supplies I had bought with me. Now that you're here, we can go in together!" He explained happily.

We got to the door.

"Treasures' mine though.." He whispered under his breath. I looked up to him.  "Sorry, did you say something?" I asked not sure what he had just said.

"Nope! Nothing!" He smiled reassuringly.

We put out our hands into the carved-in handprints, and waited. Nothing happened.

"Maybe we have to say something?" I asked him, looking up at his rugged, bearded face. The door might have to open with magic words.

"Ha! Words from a child.." He laughed.

Embarrassed, I thought about Saare's stories. What did they say, at the great doors of judgement? Open-something.. open seeds? No.. Open o great door?

I frowned frustrated. "Open.. seseme..?" The handprints that held our hands started to glow, and the man gapped in surprise.

"Open Seseme!" I told it again. The ground shook, and it opened all the way,  walking into the treasure room.

It was even bigger than the prince's room, and shining golden and bronze. The floor was littered with gold's, crown's, and jewelry.

Cassim pushed me back, jumping into the currency. "Mine.. finally.. all mine!" 

"His heart is clouded with darkness.." The boys voice echoed around the ginormous room, but he didn't seem to hear anything.

"Genie?" I asked, walking towards the middle of the room, where there was a pyramid of stairs, leading up to a table with a box on it.

I started walking up the stairs in awe, unable to look away from the box, which I knew must hold the golden shackles, hidden in here by the magi, Judal.

I looked back at Cassim when I reached the top. He looked busy swimming in his greed, so I stepped up to the box.

"Mor!" The voice emanated from the silver box. I picked it up gingerly, afraid to drop it, and break the shackles.

I looked it over, and seeing that it needed no key, I opened it. Light shone everywhere, covering the room with a soft, gold color. It became unable to see, so I closed my eyes.

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