The outpost

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"Ou-outpost? What's the outpost?" I asked again for the fifth time after we had left the court room.

" Will you shut her up- shut up!" The short guard yelled.

"Okay, I'm just curious.." I said defensively.

"You should be lucky your alive, girl. Usually his highness locks the accused away or kills them. Never has he sent one here.." The taller guard stated.

"Here?" I asked, worrying about where 'here' was.

"The outpost.. slave center."

I shuttered to a stop. The shackles vibrated with anger, and I stared at the two guards in horror.

"No. No, not me.. haha, there is some sort of mistake, I-"

"Nope, no mistake, a miracle he's given you-" The short one admired his words.

"Miracle?!" I retorted. "I'de rather rot away in a jail cell then be a slave!"

But they didn't stop dragging me to the small building a few blocks outside of the palace until we reached it.

A woman emerged from the little barn like building, and sighed as she looked at me.

"Another one? Man, his majesty sure does require a lot of slaves.." The lady had dark blonde hair that was pulled up into a high pony tail.

"Bring her in," She finished, not waiting for us as she returned to her barn.

She gestured to a metal post and they tied the rope to it and left with a curt bow to the lady.

"So! I'm head of the slave department, you may call me Laila. Now don't think you can think of me as your friend, because I'm your master."

The shackles gave a quick twitch, but I subdued it.

I remained silent for her lecture, and dozed off as she described the way I must treats my masters.

I have no master, I thought.

I'll just stick around until night, maybe one of the slaves has an idea who Saare is.

When she was done, she told me to remove the shackles or she would.

I panicked, then told her they were slave shackles ask ready given to her by the guards. She considered it, then curtly nodded and and showed me the way to the slave house.

It was no bigger than a horse stable, and had only two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys.

I sat down in a cornor, scared somebody might see the golden shackles and try to steal them.

Even though they wouldn't I me off, I was still worried.

Mor, are you okay? Aladdins voice asked me through telepathy.

Yes, I thought back. I need to get out though, by nightfall.

Ok, he answered.

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