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I paced the room once Aladdin had left, in fury.

I tried to think of explanations I could try for the two kings once I had managed to get out.

But.. wait, why did I need to wait to get out?

It concurred to me that maybe Aladdin would have to listen to me, being my genie.

I slowly walked to the door shadowing half of the room and cautiously turned the handle.

It creaked for a split second, then opened smoothly.

I silently snuck out and stealthily tip toed down a hall that led to another door.

Pressing my ear up against it, I listened for any sign of movement.

I sighed in relief and opened the door as silently as the last, and crept into the next hall, and I lost my breath.

"What.." I murmured as I slumped in.

This hallway was a bright yellow color, and very narrow. Decorating the walls were various paintings of exotic plants, and light candles all around.

I took one step in and froze.

I had heard a mans voice from one of the rooms ahead. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but somehow it seemed rushed and scared.

The voice lowered and I couldn't hear anything anymore. I slowly moved forward being cautious.

Suddenly, my mind became distracted and I started thinking about what the man was talking about, not prioritizing my escape.

My mind became blanker and blanker until I forgot what I had been doing in the hallway, and I tripped on the edge of the rug on the hallways floor.

"Gahhh!" I yelped as I smashed my head on the edge of a small table near the wall.

"This hallway is to narrow.." I whispered to myself, standing up.

All of a sudden I remembered what I was doing and panicked, I ran forward.

I ran and ran until I came across a set of four doors. Each had a different color, orange, blue, purple, and red.

I hesitated for a moment, then chose the red. It was the widest door, so I assumed the hallway beyond would be more comfortable.

As soon as I touched the doorknob, the shackles burned with a low grumble.

In the pain, I let go of the red door and knelt down.

Oh, so he didn't want me going in there huh? I asked myself struggling to stand up, still in the pain.

Well, it must be something important..

The shackles growled again.

"Your not being very fair either!!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the yellow walls.

I threw the red door open and dashed in, ignoring the annoying pinching of the shackles in sadness and anger.

Had I been betrayed? The question grew bigger in my mind...

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