'Little boy' king

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I awoke with the sun that morning, hugging something blue and small.

What? Why was there a blue thing in- My eyes snapped open as I pushed Aladdin out of my bed.

"Aladdin?! What are you doing?!" I yelped as a tired faced boy popped back up.

"Sleeping..." He droaned, sleepily.

"Why in my bed?!" I demanded, pushing his head away.

"Got.. scared..."

That snapped me back to my senses.

"YOUR A GENIE! You don't get scared!" I tried whispering as loud and stern as I could.

"How would you know? Have you ever been force to grant peoples wishes, brain washed, and smuggled?!"

He fell back onto the bed and I didn't stop him.

"You've been.. brainwashed..?" I asked suddenly,concerned.

"Well how else do you think that awful magi forced me into granting the wishes of that poor stupid slave girl?"

I looked at him, hurt for a moment remembering I once, too was a slave.

He recovered from his grumpiness a minute later when he realized what he said.

He made a terrified face and started apologizing immediately, trying to hug me.

"It's ok! No, I went to far, I didn't know you were treated like that either.."

I patted his head sympathetically.

"From now on, let's be honest ok?" I smiled apologetically and he nodded.

"We better leave, that man wanted us gone soon remember?"

I hurriedly made the beds and grabbed Aladdin's hand, dragging him down stairs.

The thought just occurred to me that maybe even if he was a few hundred years old, he was kept in that tower the whole time, being smuggled here and there, not learning much, so in a way, he really was a child.

Aladdin, who was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, spotted the man who had accused us yesterday, standing by the doorway.

Unfortunately, I hadn't seen this and gone to give the old man our regards and thanks, leaving Aladdin alone.

I stepped pass the door into his office/room, and knocked on the freshly polished door.

"Um, I just wanted to thank you for last night, I had no idea magic was not aloud in this kingdom."

The man looked up at me through his moon crest glasses, and took a long, weary breath.

"When I first came to this kingdom, ten years ago, it was ruled by a wonderfully kind king. He embraced anyone and everyone who came for a new life here, and also, encouraged magic.

Alas, there were some magicians that thought they were being used, and slayed the king. The kings son, prince Sif, a very young but bright boy succeeded him. He banned magic by penalty of life in prison, and on rare occations, death. You need-"

He was interrupted by a breeze of cold air and a yelp of pain. "Monster!"

"Aladdin!" I yelled as I ran out into the pub.

Aladdin had the man who had accused me in a complete glacier, and for a moment, I couldn't recognize Aladdin.

He still looked the same, but under his eyes was a icy blue underline, and his fingernails were long and sharp, emitting a blue cold I knew was ice. His eyes were completely icy blue, with a pupil like a slit.

"Aladdin!!" I screeched, running towards him.

He suddenly looked at me and his pupils returned to normal, his eyes returned to normal, his fingernails were short and clear again, and rounded.

His smile returned, and it was like he was completely normal again.

"Mor! I got him!" He sang in a happy tone.

I grabbed Aladdin and pulled him close in horror as citizens lined in to see what was wrong, and finally, the guards arrived.

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