The Boy Of Stars

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I forced my hands into the water a little harder than was needed, and it splashed back up into my face.
I tried calming my breathing as I looked at my reflection that was dancing with the waves in the water hole. What was going on? Why was Saare here.. and why in the world was he being called Sari? Had he lost his memories?
I thumped down in a heavy sigh, looking at the moon which was now high in the starry sky. "Saare.." I mumbled.
Putting the bucket of water next to me, I gazed at the silent shackles resting on my wrists.
"Why won't you answer me? I said I was sorry.. I'm so lost.. please, I'm so sorry.." I muttered, closing my eyes facing towards the night sky.
I sighed again. No answer, as usual.
"Mor~!" A little voice called me.
My eyes shot open. "Aladdin?!"
"Mor, dinner is ready! Come to Aria's tent okay?" Soren's voice echoed across the dunes that separated the village and the water hole.
"Oh, okay!" I yelled back, trying to sound more happy than I was.
I finally found Saare, but what do I do now? He doesn't know about me anymore. He doesn't remember.
Lifting the bucket up from the ground and standing up, I decided I would figure it out later, and to first not decline their gracious offer of food.
As I neared the tent that was vibrating with laughter from inside, a little boys head popped out.
"Hmm?" I asked startled as he walked towards me suddenly.
The little boy was no more than five it looked like, and his hair was silvery white.
He stopped when he was right before me and extended his hands up to me, frowning.
"What is it?" I asked curiously, trying to look around for his parents.
He didn't respond, so I crouched down to him. "Do you need something? Where are your parents?"
He scowled at me and ran towards the bazaar that was mostly empty now. His silver hair disappeared behind the hem of ladies skirts.
"A-ah, wait!" I yelled, running after him. If his parents saw him gone they may suspect me. And where was he going?
"Hey, stop! Wait we need to go back!" I gasped for air running along the dirt street looking for a sign of his ghostly hair.
I stopped as I neared the stairs leading downhill to the stables. "Uh.. oh man, umm what do I tell his parents..?" I muttered.
I leaned down, catching my breath as I felt a little tug on my dress.
"Huh?" I spun around and saw him standing there frowning up at me.
"W-what? We need to go back!" I scolded, taking his hand, but he wouldn't move and he shook his head violently.
I gave him a confused look and he pointed towards the sky with his other hand, and then pointed to me and then it turned to him.
"Do you... want to watch the stars with me?" I asked awkwardly.
He nodded again, still frowning.
We sat down on the steps and gazed up at the stars. I glanced towards him uncertainly.
"Hey, why won't you talk? I'm not mean, it's ok." I laughed.
He continued to look up at the stars and gripped my hand. Finally he looked at me and pointed to my head.
"Wha-what is it? What's on my head?!" I asked frightened.
It sounded like he giggled for a second, but when I looked at him he returned to being emotionless. He shook his head, reached up and touched my hair gently.
"W-what.." I stuttered. "I know my hair is weird.."
He shook his head and pointed at the dessert.
"I'm sorry I don't understand what your trying to tell me.. Is if that my hair looks like the red sand?" I guessed.
He nodded enthusiastically and looked at my arms. Letting go of my hand, he slid it up to my wrists. The shackles.
He slowly fingered at the red gem on it and looked back to me, making me jump.
"What is it now?"
He looked to my head and pointed at my hair again.
I laughed. "Does my hair look like the gem?" Looking at it again, I guess it kind of did.
"Morgiana, Stella, what are you two doing out here?" A mans voice startled us both.
I turned around to see Sari, or rather Saare, looking down at us in suspicion.
"Oh.. this is, well.. We were," I started.
"Don't try to get out of this, I know what your up too." He frowned.
I looked at him in horror. What, what did I do? What did he think I did?
But he cracked a smile and thumped down next to Stella.
"Star gazing, huh? I used to do it too. With someone very important." He laughed at my surprise.
"Someone, important..?" I asked, looking down. There's no way he meant me. He lost his memories.
"Yeah. Someone I loved very much, I can't remember for my life who it was though," He said angrily.
"It's so frustrating.." He finished and sighed.
"I know how you feel.." I said without thinking. Stella stood up and pointed to the tent.
"He wants to go back. Do you want me to take you?" Saare asked.
He shook his head, but then turned and stared at me intently.
"Wha-" I started.
"Sister is very strong, I hope you find what you want." He said in a low voice, smiled and ran off.
"Huh?" I mumbled to myself.
"You must be amazing!" Saare looked at me.
"What did you say to him? To get him to talk?"
I blinked. "What? Doesn't he normally talk?"
He glanced towards Stella who was walking back towards the tent. "No.. not once since we found him. Although Baba says he has no parents, she insisted that he was 'born of the stars' but I have no idea what that means. He must really like you.."
I watched him disappear into the tent silently. "Hmm.."
I laid silently listening to the night bird softly coo it's song. I wondered about Stella, and where he was really from.
Aria snored loudly next to me, and I turned over on my side. They were nice enough to let me stay with them, and said I could stay as long as I needed.
I really didn't know how long I was going to stay. I was planning on finding Saare and that was my quest, but now that I found him and he doesn't remember me, what am I going to do?
I saw light seep into the cracks of the tent before I could fall asleep, and before I knew it the sun was rising in the sky.
I pretended to be asleep as Aria yawned loudly and made ready to walk outside. I relaxed when she stepped out of the tent, only to be completely waken up by something else.
A bloodcurdling scream filled with men's shouts filled the air outside, and at first I though it was normal, but shot up when I heard shouts to run.
"A-Aria?!" I yelled getting up off of my blankets and launching myself out of the tent.
I gasped, women and children were everywhere, running frantically away from men that were advancing on them with knives and clubs.
"S-Saare!?" I screamed suddenly, dodging the panicking people.
"Morgiana!" A small voice called out my name, and I turned to see Stella and Soren being clobbered by figures running in fear.
"Stella, Soren, this way!" I yelled and grabbed them by the hand, hoisting Stella onto my shoulders and picking Soren up to carry.
I frantically looked around for any other familiar faces, but when I didn't see any I made for the stairs.
"Go to the left, under the rocks there!" Soren cried as Stella hung onto me, shutting his eyes.
I followed her instructions and we ended up in a small cave that was large enough to conceal us but small enough to where we were close and could hear the screams from town.
"I-its ok, I'm sure Aria will drive them out.." I whispered, covering the two children's ears.
"Morgiana, one's coming." Stella looked up at me seriously.
"There you are.." A raspy voice joined us as the shadow of a brute man descended on us.
"No! SAARE!" I screamed, yet he raised his sword.
I hesitated, and then without thinking I yelled, "ALADDIN!" And closed my eyes.

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