Everyday you will add a new principle from the previous day.
Today You Will Learn.
Jesus said 'who God puts together, let no man separate' in His own words. I also understand that God gave Ruth Boaz, it was His will. He gave Sara to Abraham and that's true because he didn't bless Ishmael when Abraham slept with Hagar. God also chose Mary and Joseph by sending an angel to let Joseph know that He can finalise the marriage with Mary because everything will be okay. However, it's not always the case.
In the beginning, God didn't create husband and wife. Remember? Jesus told us to go back to the beginning when he was asked about divorce in the book of Luke.
In the beginning, God created 'Man' which is the Spirit being. He gave that spirit a 'male' body. After that, he realised that it wasn't good for man (the Spirit being) to be alone. Not married. Just alone. He needed someone to help him rule this Earth and someone to complete his mission also. So after putting Adam into a deep sleep, God from his ribs, FORMED a female body.
God never made another human from the soil except Adam, in Adam were many generations, (seeds/sperms) he didn't have to go back to creating another human being from the ground. When He formed Eve, he didn't tell Adam anything, God was silent from that moment on in the Bible.
He gave the new 'Man' (Spirit) a female body because no other animal was fit for Adam. Adam didn't ask for a companion, he didn't 'need' a companion, he was busy working and ruling. He was complete in God. Read Genesis chapter 2 & 3. God didn't say a word.
The Hebrew word used was basically 'show' 'parade' or 'showed off' so God basically just let Eve walk by (parade) before Adam's eyes and THEN Adam said: 'This is bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh' (because she was another human being) God gave her body a change like breasts, womb and a different body type to a male's physique.
Adam was astonished and after he said flesh of my flesh... Etc. He continued saying "I will call her 'wombed man' or 'woman' because she was taken out of man." (Basically another Spirit being with a female body) THEN Adam makes MARRIAGE. That's why there is no marriage between two people in heaven. (Mark 13:18-27)
Adam immediately prophesies: 'For this reason a man should leave his father and mother and cling on to his wife, then the two shall become one'. In the Hebrew he was saying that a man should leave his parents to cling on to a woman who will then be called his wife. Was it God's intensions? Yes. But God allowed Adam to make that decision for himself and for all the generations inside of him.
So God places people before us, maybe He needs the both of you together but God gives us a choice. Remember, God can't even make us choose Him so why would He make you choose your temporary spouse? God will parade people before you but if He has a plan that will include someone specific then he will reveal it to you and that's what the Bible teaches. When Jesus answered in Mathew 19 to his disciples on this matter they said: "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry." Which made me laugh personally.
They understood that, it was a lot to deal with, it was difficult and not everyone will make the right decision because not everyone spends their time in the word of God to discern between a good man or woman. They knew that they could marry someone who won't be ideal to them because if Jesus said 'God chooses your spouse' they'd say 'well that's easy, He'll just make it clear to me." But no, for most people, they will just have to choose based on the word of God. I love what Jesus says straight after: "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given."
'Abraham lived in Canaan and did not want Isaac to marry a Canaanite woman because the Canaanites worshipped false gods. Abraham wanted Isaac to marry a righteous woman who would help him remain faithful to the living God and who would teach their children the truth.'
Abraham called his oldest servant to him and asked him to search for a wife for Isaac. He said, "I want thee to swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that thou shalt not choose a wife for Isaac from the Canaanite women. But thou shalt go to my home country of Mesopotamia, and there among my own people thou shalt choose a wife for him."
(Genesis 24)
_____________________________So what Jesus was trying to say was, if you can find a man from 'the beginning' and a woman from Genesis chapter 3 then you've got yourself a temporary product (marriage) which I will bless and help you learn, embrace and grow in, every single day.
But what is a Godly man?
What is a Godly woman?
What does it look like to be a man or a woman from Genesis ch. 2&3?Tomorrow, we will see what a Godly man looks like from the beginning. Not just for men but so that the women can see what type of man God is calling you to marry. Then the day after that, we will focus on the women. Remember, God doesn't bless every marriage. We must be very careful not to be overly spiritual about this. Read the word of God carefully.
Don't forget. If we had 'the one' then what would have happened if your great grandparents married the 'wrong' person? The cycle would have been ruined, right? Solomon had over 700+ wives. Clearly, he married someone else's 'soulmate'. So be very careful when you read the word of God.
God does have someone for you that's for sure which will make more sense in the future chapters but for now, please get rid of this idea that you have someone just for you and if you don't marry them your life will be over because that should not be the case.
(Read over for better understanding. I went over this topic very briefly. Take some notes if necessary.)
Pray for understanding.
God bless you all abundantly.
(Continue with yesterday's task today)
"I DO" BUT I CAN'T - (31 Day Challenge)
SpiritualSingle. Unmarried. Engaged. 31 days of different tasks, challenges and opportunities to TAKE you deeper into God's presence. To CHALLENGE your willingness towards serving others. To BETTER your mentality to becoming a greater spouse, parent and rol...