Everyday you will add a new principle from the previous chapter.
Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance - Proverbs 1:5
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will still be wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning - Proverbs 9:9
There was a young man named William. Will had big dreams, he wanted to explore the deadliest island, where no explorer ever returned home from visiting. Every explorer that visited that place was never heard of ever again.
Will asked his Grandma what advice she had, his Grandma said, "There is no way we can give you advice on what we have never yet seen or experienced"
Will understood that, it was suicide, to throw himself in a place without any knowledge or understanding of that surrounding. He knew that, everybody needs someone who was once there, to learn from their mistake.
Yes, Will did go and just like everybody else, nobody ever heard of him again...
Now, if it's true that you need someone who was once there, someone who has some sort of knowledge on whatever area you want to progress in, what if you're the first? What if you're like Will, where nobody knows how it feels to take the step you're about to take? What if you don't have anyone around to guide you because nobody has been where you're about to go? What do you do if there are no teachers, prophets or pastors that can guide you to what God's setting before you?
Them days will come. Where your dreams will not make sense to many, where the hope you have will give people chills. Where your desires will put people off and people will push you away. Nobody will have anything to share with you because you will be the first to do what God is calling you to do.
Just because Will never returned, it doesn't change the fact that He's not alive. What if, the comfort, the prize and the lifestyle in that island was so good that He didn't want to return?
William will never have fame, popularity or a worldly recognition but what he achieved will wash away everything in comparison. When there's nobody to guide you, God arises your dreams, he sets on fire your passions so that they could speak over the mouth of others. People will never understand why you want to paint paintings of shopping trolleys in Tokyo as you walk the streets preaching the Gospel. Maybe it doesn't make sense why you would want to go and live in a dysfunctional area in Malaysia because you don't want to fall in the trap of buying and selling day in and day out out of selfish intensions.
Whatever God has put in your heart, there is a purpose for it. It may not make sense, there might not be a teacher or someone who can guide you just like Will's Grandma but either way, your dream must speak for itself. Let your passions talk for itself because God wants to separate you from the world. God wants you to be set apart, not just spiritually but in your everyday life also. God wants you to have big dreams and even when the world doesn't want to try it it out, God has set in your heart unimaginable aspirations and in your mind wild imaginations because He is one BIG God.
That was for encouragement and inspiration. Remember, there will come a time where your dreams and your desires will not make sense to the world, that won't mean they're wrong and that they're not God's plans for your life, just stay in communion with God and He will lead and He will provide.
Now, this chapter of your life will require a lot of learning. You will need a lot of tutoring, studies and guidance from those who are wiser, older and have experienced so much more over the years. If you want to be a better mother then I would advise that you start to talk to other mothers and learn from their experiences and it's the same with fathers. If you want to be a loving spouse then don't be afraid to watch or communicate with Godly couples, online or in person. Feel free to learn and ask questions because this life is too short to wish you did it all over, right?
Enjoy learning because every teacher was once a student.
God, I know that you have set desires in my heart. I know that people may not understand why I desire some of the things you have set in my heart. I know that you are amazing and you love me. You are a BIG God who has placed me here to do great things all for your glory. I'm here to inspire, to impact others in a mighty way but most importantly to lead them to you, to reflect you in every word, action or deed. I want to represent you so that others could follow the greatest teacher of all.
God I don't like learning, all my life I've grew up with that attitude because of society. School was a place that we forcefully pushed ourselves to strive but I want to start learning for real. I want to start learning from your messengers, your children and your disciples that you have placed here for me. Give me a heart to learn, a heart that is patient and I pray that you continue to form me to becoming more and more teachable, day by day. In the name of my mighty God, capable of everything I pray, Amen!
Job 12:12 - 'Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?' (Ask your grandparents or other elders for advice, that should be interesting)
Proverbs 4:7 - The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. (Even if getting wisdom will cost you your time, money or life, it's worth it all)
God bless you, thank you.
"I DO" BUT I CAN'T - (31 Day Challenge)
EspiritualSingle. Unmarried. Engaged. 31 days of different tasks, challenges and opportunities to TAKE you deeper into God's presence. To CHALLENGE your willingness towards serving others. To BETTER your mentality to becoming a greater spouse, parent and rol...