Nessie's First Day of HS pt1

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Renesmee's first day of school -- Part 1

"Nessie, time to wake up honey, today's the big day", my mom whispered into my ear. I slowly opened my eyes into my brightly sunlit room. My mother sat at the edge of my bed holding a tray of food. Her beauty was beyond description as tiny beams of sunlight hit her diamond studded skin.

"I'm not really hungry mom, just give me some time to get dressed and I'll be out in a minute" I said with a slight smile. She smiled back though I could see the worry behind her warm smile.

"Okay, but hurry, Jacob will be here in a bit to drop you off. Your aunt Alice left you a present and insists that you open it before you rummage through your closet." She kissed my forehead left the room.

Today was the day I've been anxiously waiting for - my first day of school. I've been home schooled and have had the best teachers I could possibly wish for - my grandfather Carlisle and of course my father. I have no doubt that academically I'll succeed, but socially, that I don't know. My family has assured me that everyone will love me. I would love to believe them, but other than my friends from La Push, I really haven't had much experience being with "normal people".

A light blue box with a gold ribbon was sitting on my night stand.

"You're going to have a great day, I promise." The note read. That was reassuring, my aunt Alice was never wrong.

I opened the box and there laid a deep violet colored coat, my favorite color of course. I have to remember to thank her when she gets back. She along with my uncles Jasper, Emmet and aunt Rosalie were on hunting trip somewhere in Canada.

I finally got up and got dressed. I thought about putting my long curly hair up in a pony tail but left it down instead. Jacob was to be here in a couple of minuets and I know he prefers my hair down.

"You are not taking her to school in that motorcycle Jake" I heard my mother say.

"Oh c'mon! Its not like she's never been on a motorcycle before" Jacob argued.

"Why don't you just tell Bella the real reason why you want to take her in that motorcycle Jacob? Bella, he wants to let everyone in school know that Nessie is his" My father said in a harsh tone.

"Get out of my head Edward, I hate it when you do that! Anyway, don't you want everyone to know that Nessie's with me? No one would dare even get close to her" Jacob said with confidence.

"The whole point of Renesmee going to school is to get a social life - to live a NORMAL life Jacob, I --" my mom continued.

"Are you ready Jake?" I interrupted. As much as I love my parents, and as much as I love Jacob I hate how protective they are over me.

"You look beautiful Nessie" Jacob said in awe.

"She always does" My fathered agreed with a smile.

"I'd actually like to take Lexus to school today. Its a gorgeous day out and I can't wait to drive it with the top down. You could just drop me off to school Jake and pick me up later with the bike. I think that's a good compromise" I said and started heading for the door. I was already anxious enough as it is. I just wanted to get the day done and over with. My mother wished me luck and after a few hugs and kisses from both my parents Jacob and I were out the door.

It was a beautiful sunny day out. I looked back at my house and couldn't help but admire how beautiful our little cottage was.

"You really do look beautiful Nessie. I'm sorry about what happened back there. The whole idea of you being in school by yourself is just really weird. I'm so use to having you home, that well, I don't know." Jacob looked down as he spoke.

I stopped walking and looked at him. I know he was worried about me. He's worried that other boys might take an interest in me and I with them. When is he going to fully realize that I love him and that I have no interest in being with anyone else? I've always loved Jacob. I can't even begin to explain the bond between us. If there was one things I was sure of in life, its that I love Jacob Black. I couldn't find the words to comfort him, so instead I showed him that he had nothing to worry about. I called his name but he refused to look up. I gently placed my hand on his cheek and filled his head of visions of this past summer when the whole family, including Jacob's pack, went to Esme Isle. I showed him our last night there, holding hands, taking a midnight walk by the beach. I filled his head of how complete I felt having him in my life. When I was done showing him how I felt he took my free hand and kissed it. "I love you too" he said in a soft but passionate voice and then kissed my forehead. "You're going to be late." We continued to walking hand in had through the forest and past the river to get to the main house.

As we walked through the forest my mind starting racing. How am I suppose to act around all these new people at school? I had my thirst under control, I know I wouldn't harm any of them, but I'm still worried. I've never been in a room full of people without any of my family or Jacob. This is crazy I'm going to be fine. Jacob and I hunted all day yesterday. I'm full, I really don't have anything to worry about.

"Good luck at school today my dear." Grandma Esme said interrupting my thoughts. I didn't realize Jacob and I had already reached the main house. "Your grandfather had to go to work early today, before the sun rose, but he wanted to wish you luck as well. Your aunts and uncles should be back by tonight. We will all be excited to hear how your day went." She said then kissed my forehead. "Thanks Grandma. Jacob and I are taking the Lexus to school today" She beamed as I said this. My grand parents got me a deep blue Lexus for my 7th birthday last year.

"You're going to be late Nessie, we should go. Have a good day Esme, I'll have her home right after school" Jacob bid Esme good bye and we left.


After reading the Twilight Saga twice, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to Renesmee if the story continued. Hopefully you guys like it!

Big ups to Ms. Meyer

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