Renesmee's Visitor PT16

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"So let me get this straight Kris" Alice said as she walked to towards him. "Sometimes, when you feel a certain way about a person, a feeling so strong, there's a way that your brother can start feeling the same way?" Alice said. Kris' eyes became panicked. "He wouldn't" Kris whispered under his breath.

"Wouldn't what? Who's he? Holy crap people, we're not all mind readers, somebody freaking say something!" Jacob said throwing his arms in the air.

"Ian is coming back" My father said with cletched fists. "He's coming back.......... for you" he said as his eyes lached onto mine.

Silence filled the room. Every pair of eyes were on me. "Daddy?" was all I could say









"Are you freaking kidding me?" I said as I shook my head.

"Why the hell does this always have to happen to this family? Can we have at least one decade without anyone trying to kill or kidnap any of us?"I said as I walked towards Rosalie.

"Very nice, Emmet" Alice said as she shook her head in disapproval.

"What? I'm just saying! I mean don't get me wrong, all the action is great - life's definitely been more exciting since Bella and Nessie joined the party, but all this stress is really putting a dent on my sex life." I said trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"Honestly, Emmet. Now's not the time" Esme said with that motherly disapproving look. Rosalie shot me a dirty look. Geez I swear, the women in this family could be so up tight.

"So, what are we going to do Edward?" Bella said as concern for her daughter seemed to consume her whole being.

"What do you mean what are we going to do? We kill the bastard!" Jacob said as my hand collided with his in a high five.

"I swear sometimes you guys are like college frat boys" Rosalie said surprisingly with a smile.

"You guys can be so insensitive!" Nessie said as she shot Jacob and I a nasty look and turned her stare to Kris.

My eyes shot to Jacob as he began to shake. I didn't need Jaspers "oh so powerful super powers" to know he was pissed. "Hey man, calm down before Jasper gets all psycho protective on everyone" I said as I patteted Jacob's back. Then I felt someone slap the back of my head "Ass!" Jasper said walking away. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at Jasper but Edward appeared out of no where and caught the pillow before it hit Jasper's head. "Emmet, how many times does everyone have to tell you that now is not the time to act childish?!" Edward said frustrated. I would like to restate my earlier comment - the women in this family could be so up tight - and that includes Edward. "Leave Emmet alone, Edward! You're such a control freak." Rosalie said as she grabbed my hand. Don't get me wrong, I find it hot that Rosalie's always up for a fight to protect me, but sometimes it makes me feel like a 6 year old that can't fight his own battles. "C'mon Emmet, I'm hungry, let's go hunt" Rosalie said as she tugged on my arm. She was obviously lying as her eyes were still a golden yellow.

"Aunty Rose, can I come with?" Nessie said as she held her hand out to "show" Rosalie something. I have to admit, I prefer it when Nessie uses her powers to communicate, definitely less complicated.

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