Renesmee's Visitor PT 10

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"Again, my name is Kristoph De Valle, Kris for short. I was born in 1972 in a small town in Italy - Valle San Giovanni. My father was a soldier who fought against the French who were trying to take over our land. He was killed and my mother was forced to raise me alone. She became depressed, started drinking and soon became a toy for the French soldiers. I blamed the French for what happened." Kristoph looked down at his clenched hands.

"At sixteen I left home to help fight the French Napoleon forces. I killed them, every single one that crossed my path. A year later I went back home only to find my mother on her bed, her body bruised, drained of every last drop of blood. This drove me mad. At this time I knew nothing of vampires and so I blamed the French. I found a French camp near the Tordino River and saw red. I went on a rampage, killing as many of those bastards as I could. I knew I was crazy to think I could kill them all, but I didn't care, I wanted revenge." he was now staring across the room at nothing, lost in his own thoughts.

"The last thing I remembered was being shot a couple of times, being dragged, and then screaming, lots of screaming. With the last of my human minute I was able to see a woman, her lips latched onto my wrist. And that's when the pain came." He paused. His eye brows furrowed as he took a deep breathe. As I looked around I saw every vampire give him a sympathetic look.

"Her name was Mariana. She looked my age, though I had never seen anyone with her beauty before. She explained what she was -what I now am. She said she saw what happened to my mother and she was giving me second chance for revenge. She blamed the French for my parents deaths and I believed her. Together we killed hundreds of French soldiers and soon we swam across to France...and...well.....I did things that I now regret." he said with a false weak smile.

"Later I found out that it was actually Mariana that killed my mother, but I didn't have time to deal with her. Someone got to her first" he continued. I held Jacob's hand trying to hold back tears. I can't believe how tragic his life has been. I looked at him, I wanted to comfort him. I know I barely met him but there's something about his eyes that drew me to him.

"Since then I've lived as normal vampires do. Well not really. I don't live to kill or feed. For the past hundred years I only fed when I absolutely needed to and I only killed those who deserved to die. But it still killed me, with every kill I felt my humanity slowly dying. Every time I would feed on a woman or man I would either see my mother or father's faces. I have tried to end my life countless times, but I'm sure you all know what a hard task that is" he said smirking at no one in particular.

"I've been running into several nomad the past five years with tales of the "yellow eyes" who ran with wolf men. I heard how you have been able to live without human blood. For the past year I've tried to prey on only animals...but often failed." That explains why his eyes are the way they are.

"So I decided it was finally time to meet your family" He said looking at Carlisle. "I'm hoping that you can help me deal with this curse." He said now looking at everyone with pleading eyes.

Everyone was silent for a moment staring. "Don't take this the wrong way Kris, we welcome new friends. I must first speak with my family due to certain circumstances." Carlisle said as he looked at me. "I'm sure you know how special Renesmee is and I must consult with my family-" "Ahem" Jacob fake coughed trying to get Carlisle attention. "-including our friends for La Push about the situation" my grandfather finished. "Of course." Kris smiled. "Hi Kris, my name is Alice!" Alice jumped out of no where and landed right in front of Kris. "I know this may seem like a really weird questions, but there's been something that's been bothering me" Alice said as she looked at Kris'....head? Not even his face, his head! "Shoot away" Kris said amused. "Do you have the power to change hair colors? I only ask because your hair kept changing colors when I saw you coming here." Alice asked like a little child. At this Kris' face dropped. Several emotions ran through his face, shock, anger, and then fear. "Oh no I wasn't stalking you or anything, its just that I can see the future. I'm sure the nomads told you about that. Really there's no-" "No Alice, its not that" my father interjected, his tone serious. Of course he would know what was going on, it must be amazing to be able to hear what everyone is thinking. "It looks like Mr. De Valle forgot to tell us a few important facts about his life." My father said as his lips pulled back to reveal his teeth. "Edward?" Jacob and my mother asked in unison. My father ignored everyone's questioning eyes and moved towards Kris. "Who is he?" my father demanded. "Who's coming?"


It seems like Kris isn't the only visitor the Cullens should have been expecting. I hate cliff hangers as much everyone else does, but I figured, hey, what the heck, I might as well try it :D. Anyway, again I hope you all like it. I would appreciate any comments or constructive criticisms to help me better my writing skills. Smell yah later!

I do not own any Twilight characters.

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