Renesmee's Visitor PT14

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I ran through the forest trying to get as far from Kris as possible. The further we are from each other, the less he can feel and see what I'm going through. I ran through forest after forest ignore the scent of humans around me. My anger consumed my being completely overpower my hunger. As I reached the coast mountains near Vancouver Canada I fell to a sprint, then a walk, and ultimately stopped near a cliff to calm myself.

How dare he speak to me in that manner in front of that pixie brat! I came there to save him from his impending doom! How long does he actually think he can quench his thirst with animal blood until he snaps and kills that half human Renesmee? And when, I say WHEN and not if, he does hill her, her whole clan will obliterate him for sure. Why does he not see that I truly care for him? Well, of course I'm doing it as well because I don't want to feel his suffering through just drinking animal blood. What a fool he is!

I paced back in forth, sometimes throwing my hands in the air with frustration.

"Stop struggling bitch, or else I WILL kill you" I heard a man's voice behind a bush just feet from me. The smell of blood began to swirl around me. I heard muffled moans, groans, and whimpers. I smiled knowing what was going on. I walked forward and looked over the bush they used as a cover. There layed a woman, no, a girl sixteen or seventeen years old. Her hands were bound with rope, her clothes ripped into shreds; barely covering her bruised body. Her long red hair covered half her face- sweat and tears ran down her cheeks. An man twice her size was on top of her forcing himself into her center. His hand covered her mouth as he continued to violate her body. Blood trickled down her thighs as the man's motions became harder and more desperate. The girl's eyes opened exposing her bloodshot brown eyes. My smile fell as another pair of eyes ran through my memory, or Kristoph's memory - Renesmee's eyes. A feeling of pity ran through me, a feeling that I only felt one other time in my life. The last time I felt any sort of pity was when I saw Kristoph holding my mother's lifeless body, sobbing uncontrollably. I shook my head trying to shake the memory. The girl felt my motion and finally saw me. Her eyes looked at me with desperate pleas for help. I didn't know what was happening to me, something about how Kristoph felt for Renesmee (and how I felt it), and how this helpless girl's eyes was a complete replica of her's made me want to help her.

"Get off her" I said in monotone. The man was so concentrated in pleasing himself that he didn't hear me. " I said get off her!" I said as I picked the man and pushed him off with one hand. The man struggled as he tried to get up while pulling his pants up. "Who the fuck do you think you are little boy?" He said and began to charge towards me. As he ran to tackle me, I grabbed his arm and twisted in to his back, breaking it. The man screamed in pain. In the corner of my eye I saw the girl turn over on her stomach and crawl towards a tree. She sat up facing us. Hate was written all over her face as she looked at the her attacker. "Close your eyes" I said to her. "NO!" She screamed. "I want to see him suffer - I want to see him DIE!" she said with pure hate.

I wanted to make him suffer. I wanted her to have her revenge. But something stopped me. Those eyes. They're exactly like Renesmee's. "It already started" I whispered to myself. My brother was falling for Renesmee. His feelings so strong that no matter the distance between us I'm starting to feel the same way. Damn this bond between us! What kind of sick joke has the world played on me? Why must Kristoph and I have the ability to feel what the other is feeling?!

I took a deep breath and concentrated. "No" I said looking into her eyes as I began to mesmerize her, a talent that I oh so love to use. She instantly became still, her breathing finally became steady. "You will close your eyes and not open them until I say so. Do you understand?" I said concentrating on control her thoughts. Her features became still as she nodded mechanically and closed her eyes.

"You fucking asshole. Get the fuck off me! I will kill you!" The man in my arms started screaming wildly as he jumped up and down trying to free himself. His pants fell to the ground during the struggle, his large belly was the only thing covering his manhood. "Ooo a little feisty I see" I said teasing him. I pulled him away from the girl and pushed him towards the cliff. He feel with a loud thud and began to use every curse word known to man. "So you like to make people suffer hu? Looks like we have something in common." I said with a smirk. I walked towards him and ripped his balls off swiftly. Blood immediately stared flowing from between his legs as he cried in pain. "You'll have no need for these anymore" I said and threw his balls off the cliff. "I'm bored with you" and at that I sank my teeth in his neck. A surge of his memories flooded my head. I saw him as a child teasing other children, I saw him kill his single mother and dump her body in a ditch, I saw him go through several foster parents, I saw all the girls and boys he's raped and killed, then I finally saw what I was looking for. I saw the same girl that was now waiting for me in her room. I saw her home, a cottage in the middle of a forest. I saw her mother's face - a woman he had worked with. I saw him raping her several times, and finally I saw his plans to kill her. I felt his body go limp in my arms. His memories began to fade as I licked the last of his blood off my lips. "You dirty fat pig" I said as I tossed his body off the cliff.

I walked towards the girl feeling satisfied with my last feed. Even though she bled, and I did crave her blood, something inside me knew I would not hurt her. I knelled next to her, draped my coat over her bruised body and carefully pulled her hair behind ears. "Open your eyes" I whispered. She slowly opened her eyes and again all I saw was Renesmee's eyes. She looked at me tired yet still in fear. "Is he dead?" She whimpered. "Yes" I said. "Good" she said with a nod. She gasped as her sanity began to creep back. "You're eyes, they're red" she said cringing back. "Yes they are, its an eye infection, be careful not to touch them, its contagious" I said with a friendly smile. Surprisingly she believed me without me having to mesmerize her. She tried to get up but her legs began to wobble. I caught her before she feel. I picked her up, bride style, and I was surprised when she didn't cringe away from my cold skin. Instead she buried her head in my arms. "Go to sleep" I said mesmerizing her again. "I'm going to bring you home. If anyone asks how you got home, say you don't know. Don't tell anyone about me. No one, do you understand?" She nodded and at that she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I replayed the man's memories in my head, remembering exactly where she lived. At that I began to run to take her home.


Can you feel the plot thickening? I know I can :D

I actually had fun doing this chapter [even though some of the scenes are somewhat graphic].

For those of you who read this chapter and didn't know wtf was going on, you definately need to read the previous chapters for this one to make sense.

Anyway, I hope you guys like it!

Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now