Renesmee's Visitor PT17

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I stood behind Rosalie, getting more frustrated as I saw my family argue. I just want to get away. I am so done with all this drama! I saw my dad and Alice leave the room and I knew this was the only chance I had to escape. I gently withdrew my hand from Rose's and I ran quickly but quietly out the back door. I ran as fast as I could knowing that my family could catch up to me easily - a definite downside to being half human. I ran towards La Push knowing Sam's pack was around which meant Alice wouldn't be able to see where I was or what I was planning to do. As I ran through the forest I caught sight of a pair of huge brown eyes, Sam's werewolf eyes to be exact. He had a confused look to his werewolf face as he ran after me. I tried to push my self harder, run faster, but he caught up to me. I didn't feel threatened at all having Sam with me. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. He gave me a questioning look as he ran beside me.

"Please Sam, I just have to get away. My family is driving me crazy. I just need some time to myself." I pleaded. He ran by me for a couple of seconds then nodded and fell back.

I finally found a clearing in the forest and found exactly what I was looking for - the cliffs. I knew that my family was most likely following my scent and I had to find a way to lose them. I ran towards a cliff, took a deep breath and jumped.



I ran as fast as could back to Forks as my longing for Renesmee seemed to grow stronger. I've never felt anything like this before, or should I say my, brother has never felt like this before. I don't know weather to spite him or thank him for making me feel this way towards someone. I don't even know exactly how I feel! These are the types of moments when I absolutely despise the fact that Kris and I share emotions and thoughts. I feel like I'm living someone else's life - Kris' to be exact.

I shook my head trying to drive away my frustration. I decided to run through the beaches of Washington to try to avoid the Cullen Clan. Then decided to go through the waters to avoid the wolves as well. I swam underwater only emerging to see how close I was to the cliffs. I imerged taking unnecessary breaths, still with Renesmee running through my mind. I swam at a steady but fast pace when a sudden panic shocked through my body. Renesmee was in trouble. I knew it. I concentrated on Kris' thoughts trying to figure out what exactly happened. A flash of a memory, Kris' memory ran through my head. The memory was sparatic and cloudy.


The Cullens and the wolf boy arguing. The future seer and the mind reader leaving their living room. Then panic. Renesmee disappeared. Kris along with the Cullens and a wolf ran through the forest as they followed Renesmee's scent. And then it was gone. Her scent disappeared in the cliffs.


I knew exactly which cliff they were in. I swam harder and faster knowing that Renesmee's half human body might not be able to survive the rocky waves of the cliffs. I pushed myself harder, occasionally emerging through the waves looking for her body. I heard a howl break the constant thrashing of the waves. I looked up and saw a pack of wolves hovering over a cliff. Renesmee was near, I knew it. I dove into the waters, swimming as far down as I could while still being able to see the thrashing waves above. I swam, panicked, worried - not knowing again if my emotions were my own's or my brother's. And then I saw her. Her body moved with such urgency. She was not trying to be slick, not at all trying to hide from her family -she was in a panic to get away from them. I swam up and within a second I was behind her. I touched her shoulder to get her attention. Her shallow breathes suddenly stopped . She turned around and began thrashing around and as her eyes locked with mine she began to scream. In the distance I heard someone shout her name. The Cullens where near and I knew I had no choice. I clasped her shoulder with an iron grip as she continued to struggle. I forced my hands on either side of her cheeks and looked into her eyes. "Calm down Renesmee, calm down. I'm here to help you. There's nothing to fear. I know you want to get away from your family, and I'm here to help". She stared at me as her body finally calmed. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you. You WANT to get away from your family. You WANT to come with me." I said as I concentrated even harder on hypnotizing her. "Nessieeeeeeeee" I heard the same voice shout- they were getting closer. "We have to go now Resnesmee. They're getting closer. Get on my back and take a hold of my shoulders. I'll swim us out of here." She nodded obediently and did as she was told. And at that I swam, as hard and as fast as I could above water. I had no idea where we were going, but that didn't matter, as long as she was with me.



We ran through the forest as we followed Renesmee's scent. I ran faster as I had trouble keeping up with Edward, who was apparently the fastest of his family. In front of me, Bella ran as fast as she should could as she let out tearless sobs. "No time for that Bella" Alice said as she grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her to run faster. A stench of wet dog began to fill the air and like a speeding bullet Jacob ran passed me in his wolf form. I looked back to see three enormous wolves following us. I pushed myself even faster to keep up with the rest.

I cannot believe I let this happen. Me coming to the Cullens' was probably what pushed Renesmee to the edge. Oh dear Renesmee, I would rather be tortured and torn into a hundered pieces by these wolves than to have something bad happen to her. I can't believe what strong feelings I have for her. Already, even in this short time, I think I lo-

"Renesmeeee!" I heard someone shout ahead of me. I saw a clearing ahead and saw Edward dive from a cliff. A sudden panic ran through my body. A vission suddenly ran through my head. I saw Renesmee floundering in the water above me. I swam up and touched her shoulder, and as she turned around, she started to scream. I shook my head trying to snap myself out of the vision. "No" I whispered to myself. I instantly knew that the vision I just had was actually Kristian's. He had her. He had her! I should have been concentrating on Kristian's thoughts. Though I have to admit, there was no way I could keep track of him the way he can with me. Physically, we are almost equal, but his special "powers" were definitely stronger than mine. It came with the territory. I had been trying to only drink animal blood the past year, while he edulged in human blood which made him more powerful. How could I have been so stupid? I stared blankly towards the ocean, my body too shocked to move.

"Renesmee!" I heard Edward shout from the shattering waves below. He along with his brothers swam in different directions as they continued to shout for her. I willed myself to jump off the cliff and help, but my legs planted themselves to the ground. I could not move. What the hell was wrong with me?

"I have to get out of here Bella, I have to get away from the wolves. There are too many of them for me to concentrate on Nessie's future". Alice said as she held Bella's hand. Out of no where Edward appeared next to Bella. His chest heaving unesesarry breathes as water trickled down his face. "Where is she?!" He demanded of me. "Where did he take her?!" I stared at him, tongue unwilling to move. "What are you talking about Ed-" Bella's face suddenly froze as she realize exactly what Edward was talking about. "He-has-her?" she continued, as she stared at her husband helplessly. "HE HAS HER?!" Jacob said as he suddenly appeared in his human form - in full nude. "YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE. YOU BLOOD SUCKING LEECH!" and at that Jacob lunge at me, and in mid air phased in his wolf form. I could have easily moved out of the way, but something in me knew I deserved what was coming. He was right. I brought Kristian here. I should have known he was following me. It was due to my selfishness that Renesmee is even in this situation. I closed my eyes, and braced myself for the impact. Her face flashed before me. Her rosy cheeks glowed as a shy smile appeared on her perfect face. "I'm sorry Renesmee" were the last words that left my lips until I was forced to my knees.


Hola Hola! Sorry it took so long for me to upload this chapter. I've just been extremely busy. Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed...because it kind of is.

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Kare3423. Thank you for your kind words.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2010 ⏰

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