Nessie's First Day of HS PT2

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Jacob's POV

"Slow down a little Nessie, you wouldn't want to get a ticket on your first day of school" Nessie drove just like Edward - very fast. But I can't blame her. Esme and Carlisle got her this amazing car for her 7th birthday. What other seven year old gets an 08' Lexus SC convertible for their birthday? But then again, Nessie is not a normal seven year old. I can't believe that only after seven years, she looks like a full grown woman. "Relax Jake, the worst thing that could happen is my grandpa will pull me over and give me a lecture about speeding", she said with a smile. That's right, I forgot about Charlie - the sheriff of Forks and of course Nessie's grandfather.

God Nessie's so beautiful. She looks so much like her mother, when her mother was human at least. Her pale white skin always glitters in the sunlight. Not like the rest of the Cullens of course. I still find it so weird the way they glitter when the sun hits their skin. Every time I hunt with them in day time I feel like I'm following a bunch of disco balls around. I can't help but stare at her all the time.

"What Jake? Is there something on my hair" Nessie said making a weird face. "No Ness, its just that, you're so beautiful" I said while played with her hair. She blushed, and again I'm reminded of her mother. "Oh Lord, there it is" She said as she looked ahead. Forks High School, I think both of treaded the day she would have to walk through the halls of this place. She's worried because she's never been around so many "normal" people by herself before. I'm worried because she's never been around so many "normal" boys by herself before.

As we entered the parking lot we both noticed every head turn our way. I glared at every boy who looked at Nessie, making sure they all knew she was already taken. As she parked her car she took deep breathes to calm herself. "Don't worry Nessie, today will be just fine. Just make sure to tell me if any boys try to make a move on you okay?" I said trying to lighten the mood. "Okay Jake, I guess I have to go", she said then caressed my face. "I love you. The day will be over before you know it. Just look forward to seeing your hot boyfriend with his motorcycle by the end of the day, that should make the day go by a little faster" I said trying to put her in a good mood. "I love you to Jake. I'll see you in later. Take care of my car!" she said then kissed my cheek. As I watched her walk away I heard a group of people talking by car a couple of parking spots away. "That's the new Cullen girl. I heard she's been home schooled until now" I heard a blond haired boy say. "She's hot! But what's the deal with that guy that dropped her off. He looks too big, too old to be her boyfriend" A punk with black spiky hair said as he took a quick glance at me. I glared back at him and growled. I wanted to rip his head off right there and then. As I got up to walk toward him I heard Nessie shout out my name. "Jake! I love you! I'll see you later!" She said loud and clear. She probably saw I was walking towards that punk ass. She knows that I have a bad temper. "Love you too Nessie" I said that looked at the emo model wannabe with a smile. I jumped in the driver's seat of Nessie's convertible and revved the engine and quickly drove away.


Sorry if its a bit boring. I was bored at work and decided to do part 2. I'll make part 3 more exciting.


Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now