Nessie's First Day of HS PT7

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Rosalie's POV

My blood boiled with anger as I watched Renesmee walk away with the mongrel. "Edward, I can't believe you let her leave with that dog! I don't care if they're 'soul mates' or what ever you want to call it" I said walking after Edward. "Just drop it Rose" Edward said without emotion. "Drop it?! You saw what Sam did to his wife even before they were married. Her scars show just how dangerous their kind are. Don't be stupid Edward, you have to follow her. She won't see you coming. You just have to be close enough to hear their thoughts and make sure she's o-" "Rose leave him alone. Unlike you, the rest of us respect other people's wishes. And anyway, Jacob would smell hi-" Alice said suddenly stopped with a blank look on her face. Everyone thinks Alice is this bubbly angel that can do no wrong. I love her, she's family, but she can be such a brat sometimes. I opened my mouth to say something when I realized that Alice was having a vision. "Someone's coming." She said in a whisper. "Who Alice?" Carlisle questioned. "A vampire" Alice and Edward said in unison. Of course Edward would know what's she's seeing. "When?" Esme asked obviously concerned. Neither Alice nor Edward answered. "Alice!" Emmet and I said together. Alice blinked her eyes a couple of times as if to wake up from a day dream. "A male vampire. At first he had jet black hair, about as tall as Edward. Then he his hair changed to a light brown. It was weird because it looked like he was in two places at once. He heard about us through someone...he's curious." Alice shaking her head. "Friend or foe?" Jasper asked. "I'm not sure" Alice answered obviously frustrated . "When?" Esme asked again now panicked. "The next time rain falls" Alice replied. "I'm on it" I heard Emmet say as he ran upstairs. He was back with us in no time with a laptop already searching. "Two days from now, around 6 p.m.". We all sat there like statues consumed by our own thoughts. "Call her." Bella said softly. Someone was coming, friend or foe, no one knows, not even Alice and that scares us all. Of course we're not worried for our own sake but Renesmee's. She's become such an important part of my life. She more important to me than Edward or Alice or maybe even Carlisle. No one will hurt her - no one.


What is this? A vampire that can be in two places at once?

Dun dun dun

See? Rosalie's not a cold hearted -bleep-. She does love her family - she just has a weird way of showing it.


Steph Meyer owns Characters

Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now