Nessie's First Day of HS PT6

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Nessie's POV

The rest of the night continued as if today never happened. My grandparents were in the kitchen making me something to eat, Rose and Em were in the garage fiddling with Rose's convertible, my dad was playing the piano softly while my mom adored him, Alice and Jazz were sitting on the stairs just staring at each other while Jake and I sat on the couch watching an old episode of Bay Watch. I sat there quietly pretending to watch the TV but I could not stop thinking about what happened today. I can't help but feel guilty and feel like such a burden to my family. It took me a whole year to convince my parents that I was ready to attend school and I blew it even before I got into my first class. "You know David Hasselhoff is a really good actor. I mean, minus the whole slow mo running crap." Jacob said interrupting my thoughts. "I just think that-"he said and suddenly stopped. He took his eyes off of me and looked down with a very serious face. "Jake what wrong?" I asked. "Stay here" he said and suddenly got up and walked to the kitchen. "Jake!" I tried to call after him. Before I even had the chance to get up I saw my parents rush to the kitchen after him. I started to walk towards the kitchen but Jasper blocked my way. "You know Nessie you shouldn't feel so guilty about what happened today." Jazz said sympathetically. Of course he would know how I feel. I love my family but sometimes it gets really annoying to have an Uncle who knows how I feel, an Aunt who knows my future, and most of all a father who knows what I'm thinking. "What the hell? She almost killed someone and you thought it would be a good idea to keep it from me?" I heard Jacob's booming voice come out of the kitchen. "Calm down Jacob Black." I heard my father say in a very stern voice. "I can't believe I had to freaking eavesdrop on the Doc to find out why everyone's acting weird tonight. I have a duty to protect innocent people, but damn it Bella I would rather have ten people get hurt than have Nessie feel guilty for being a murderer." Jacob said while his voice trembled. I tried to walk towards the kitchen but Alice caught my arm and shook her head. "Let him calm down first Nessie. Its not safe for you to be around him right now." she said with a stern voice. "Aunty Alice he would never hurt me. They're upset because of me. I have to get in there. "I'm sorry to be so straight forward Ness, but you are half human, you're still fragile compared to the rest of us. You can get hurt and that will tear this family apart." she continued. I had never seen Alice so serious. I have to admit it scared me. "Get out now dog. You're obviously loosing control, and if I have to kick your ass, I'd rather do it outside. I don't want your filthy fur flying in here." I heard Rose say with a hiss. I tried get passed Alice but it was obviously a lost cause. I didn't know what else to do so I started screaming. I knew that would get everyone's attention. In an instant everyone in the kitchen was in front of me with panicked faces. I froze were I stood, I couldn't talk. Jacob pushed his way towards me and held me where I stood. "What's wrong Nessie?" He said with such a concerned look. "I -I -I I'm hungry" I said not knowing what else to say. "What?" Everyone said in unison. "I'm hungry, you and I should hunt Jake." I continued while everyone stared at me confused. "Um, okaaaay" Jacob answered hesitantly. "You are not hunting alone with him Nessie", Rose said without hesitation. "Really Rosie its okay. I'm really hungry and-" "Then your mother and I will take you." dad interrupted me. Jacob's faced changed from confusion to anger in a millisecond. "No" I said with a stern voice as I eyed everyone in my family one by one. "I'm old enough to decided who I'm going to hunt with. I want to be alone with Jacob. If any of you decide to stop me or follow us I will pack my things and stay at Jacob's house for how ever long it takes you all to remember that I am my own person, with my own free will." I said while anger rushed through me. I looked at Jasper who seemed to be in pain obviously trying to control everyone's emotions. "The hell you will young lady, I'm still your mother and you will do as I say, and you will stay here". My mother has never talked to me this way. This infuriated me. "Oh but mom, I'm just leading by your example. I've heard all the stories. I've heard how you would run to Jake behind dad's back. At least I'm decent enough to let you all know where I'll be." I said with a snotty tone. My mother's face fell to a sudden sadness. She was obviously hurt by what I said but my stubbornness and my anger didn't let my facade fall. "That's enough Nessie." Jacob said also looking hurt. He turned to my family and said, "Edward I have the cell you gave me, call me every hour on the hour and I will answer to let you know she's okay. Bella I will not, and never will hurt her. You know that. Blon - Rosalie, we have our differences, but this is what Nessie wants and what she needs right now. Let us go." My father took a deep breath "Okay, Jacob. Every hour on the hour." Rose looked at dad in disbelief. "Edward you can't" she said almost pleading. They stared at each other for a few moments until Rose finally looked down in defeat. "Let's go Ness" Jake said as he led me towards the front door. I couldn't take my eyes off my mother. I knew if she could cry she would be right now. "Mom I'm -" "No Renesmee, please, just do what you have to do and come home to us safely." she said interrupting me. Before I can walk towards her to apologize she had turned around and walked away. My heart sank, I can't believe I hurt her. I tried my hardest to stop my tears from dropping, but it was too late. I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks. Jacob grabbed my had and we walked out the front door.


Jacob's temper + Rosalie's attitude problem = major isses.

It looks like Renesmee inherited more than Bella's human eyes- she also got her stubburness.


Steph Meyer owns characters

Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now