Renesmee's Visitor PT 9

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I sat next to Jacob with my head on his chest while I fiddled with the locket my mom gave me. His arm was around me holding me protectively even though there was no danger -not yet anyway. My mom walked towards us and handed Jacob a black duffle back. "Just incase" she said looking at Jacob with a stern yet worried look. I automatically understood what she meant. She wanted Jacob to hide me incase things get too bad. "Anything Alice?" Esme asked. "No, Esme sorry. There's no way I can see anything with the wolves here. He should be -" Alice stopped talking abruptly as everyone's head turned to the front door. They must have heard him heading this way. One thing that was a complete disadvantage of only being half vampire was that everyone can hear things before I can- even the wolves. I concentrated as hard as I can trying to tune every noise around me - there! I heard foot steps sprinting in the forrest. That must be him. Everyone positioned themselves without talking to one another. Jasper and Emmet stood by the front door with my dad, Carlisle stood behind them casually holding Esme's hand, Alice sat on the couch closest to the front door with Rosalie right next to her, Quil, Embry, and Seth stood behind pillars, hiding, ready for an ambush if needed and I sat on the couch next to Jacob and my mom. Why was everyone so freaked out? Do they know something I don't know? Alice reassured me that it was not a Volturi guard but I can see no other reason why every one is so stressed about this "visitor". Jacob's hold on me tightend as a knock on the door made me jump. My father opened the door. "Hello. My name is Kristoph." I heard a voice say. Everyone blocked my view even as I tried to look around them to finally see the stranger's face. Carlisle walked passed my dad "Hi Kristoph, my name is Carlisle and this is my family. What can I help you with?" Carlisle said nonchalantly. "I have heard of your family from several nomads, and I wanted to see for myself if it was true." the stranger his voice shaking a bit. "Your eyes, so it is true. You've found a way to live without human blood." He continued his voice now filled with amazement. My father looked at Jacob and nodded - there they go again having a conversation that only they knew about. "Why don't you come on in and meet the rest of the family." My dad said in a surprisingly inviting tone. He must be up to something.

Jacob stood up still holding my hand. "Time to go Nessie", he said as he pulled me up, his face still void of any warmth. "No wait Jake, I said as I snaked my way around him. "Hello" the spoke to me with a hint of an Italian accent. I found myself frozen where I stood as I stared at him. His Skin, though olive toned still had a hint of shimmer, he had a strong chin and jaw that perfectly framed his full red lips, his nose resembled that of a greek god, and his jet black hair was was short - buzzed almost. I felt my jaw fall ajar as my eyes finally landed on his. His eyes were like nothing I've ever seen before. They were a bright red-orange with vibrant blood red sun bursts about them. "You must be Renesme", he said as his perfectly carved lips parted to reveal his blinding white teeth. He closed the distance between us as he reached for my hand. I felt Jacob go stiff. "My name is Kristoph De Valle, but everyone just calls Kris", he said then kissed the back of my hand. I wanted to say something back but my tongue laid paralyzed. "I would say its nice to meet you, KRIS, but I'm not big on lying. The name's Jacob" Jacob said as he slid between Kris and I. "That's Jacob Black to you. Renesmee's boyfriend" Quil said with a harsh tone. "Calm down Jacob. Its fine." My dad said as he walked towards us. "Why don't you tell everyone why you're here Kris, so everyone can try to let their guards down." My father continued as he eyed every person in the room. At that, everyone seemed to relax, everyone with the exception of the wolves. "I gotta go, I should let Sam and the other know what's going on. I'll be right outside" Embry said as he started to walk towards the door. "I'll be right back, don't have any fun without me" he said then disappeared. I had to pull Jacob just so he could break his stare from Kris. "Everyone calm down" Carlisle said as he put a hand on Jacob's soldiers. "Oh" Alice said perking up. She obviously just vision. She looked at my father who looked quite pleased. "Why don't you tell everyone why you're here Kris? Maybe say a little something about your past?" my dad said. He's up to something. I just know it. Everyone sat down as Kris stayed standing, ready to tell his story.


Sorry peoples if it took forever for this chapter. I've just been extremely busy. With what you may ask? With getting ENGAGED!!! Yup! the bf-now fiance' proposed! :D

Well enough about that. Indroducing Kristoph De Valle - the mysterious visitor that everyone's been waiting for. I wrote this chapter along with the next chapter, so no cliff hangers here! Enjoy!

I do not own any Twilight characters.

Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now