Renesmee's Visitor PT15

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"Just leave Ian. I choose to be with the Cullens. That's my final decision. You can do nothing to change it" I said knowing I was saying the truth.

We stood face to face, talking with emotions. "Fine little brother, I'll leave you be." He started to walk away and chuckled maliciously. He turned around with an eyebrow raised. A malevolent smile was smeared on his face." I'll leave you be...for now" and then he was gone.


I walked away from Kris and into the house to greet my grandad, Charlie. I made sure to leave the back door cracked open so that I can hear what Kristian and Kristoph were talking about. I'm sure I could get most of it out of Alice later, but I'd rather hear from myself.

"So, Kristian, Kris, shall we?" I heard Alice ask.

"Please, madame, call me Ian" I heard Kristian, or "Ian" say.

"As you wish, Ian." Alice said in what I thought was a flirtatious tone. I frowned feeling jealous. I wish I were the one that stayed with the two of them instead of Alice. Both Ian and Kris intrigued me. I felt comfortable around Kris even though I had spent less than twenty minutes in his presence. There's something about him that draws me in. After hearing his life's story I wanted to hold him in my arms and comfort him. Then there's Ian with his confidence and smart ass remarks - the bad boy. I found myself imagining how much fun we'd have together. Its amazing how two people who look so similar can have totally different personalities.

"You don't want to involve yourself with either of them Renesmee. You barely know Kris and Ian is just bad news" My father whispered behind me interrupting my thoughts.

"Dad? Seriously? Get out of my head" I snickered back.

"You know your father can't help it. And are you even thinking about the twins that way? Have you forgotten all about Jacob?" my mom said looking concerned.

Jacob. Of course I haven't forgotten about Jacob, I'm just excited to meet new vampires. Right? Oh, but the way Kris looked at me...

My father sighed heavily.

"Oh geez dad! This is getting really annoying" I whined. "And mom you don't even know what I'm thinking about. Of course I havent' forgotten about Jacob! What kind of stupid question is that? I love Jacob. There's nothing going on with me or anyone else!" I said beyond annoyed.

"Places everyone. Charlie just pulled up." Carlisle said as he sat on one of the couches. We try to act as normal as we can when Grandad was around. He's in a "don't ask don't tell" basis with my family. He wants to know as less as possible about our vampire lifestyle. I tried to listen for Alice and the twins but they seemed to have walked away.

My mother walked to the front door and opened it after the first knock.

"Dad!" She said as she hugged him. We always made sure to never be hungry when Grandad comes over to avoid any "accidents".

"Hi Bells" he said then imediatly let her go and walked towards me. "Hi Nessie, I swear you get more beautiful every time I see you" He said as he raised one finger to my chin to take a better look at my face.

"Aw grandad, you're making me blush" I said as I hugged him.

"Where's Jacob?" He asked. My mouth hung opening not knowing what the answer was to his question.

"He's out with the boys" My mom said.

"Here, put these on" I heard Alice say to someone outside.

"So Nessie, tell me all about school. How did you like it?" grandad said with childish eagerness.

Before I could think of a lie to tell Alice walked in with Kris. Kris walked in with a pair of dark sunglasses that Alice probably gave him. Alice knew grandad would be weirded out if he saw Kris' red eyes.

Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now