Nessie's First Day of HS PT5

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Nessie's POV

I ran as fast as I could while tears of frustration and fear ran down my cheeks. I could still smell his blood lingering in the air and it took all my strength to not turn around and go after him. "Renesemee!" I can hear my mother shouting from afar. "Renesmee stop!" my father said as he nearly tackled me down the ground. It was no surprise to me that he caught up to me so quick. "Get off of me! Let me go! Stop!" I screamed as I thrashed around while my father held me down. "Mom make him stop! Please let me go!" I finally gave up and started to sob uncontrollably. My mom finally got to where we were and she stared at me with apologetic eyes. "Renesmee I'm so sorry" was all she could say. "Y-you guys-s don't under-understand" I was able to say in between sobs. "Nessie if anyone understands, I do" my dad said. "Its true honey, we do understand", my mom said as she knelled beside me. "I have to get out of here mom" I said as I fell into her arms. "Let's take her home" my mom said to my dad. "No ma, I have to get out of Forks." I said almost pleading. They both looked at me, then at each other and nodded.

My father drove home as my mother sat beside me in the back seat holding me as she softly caressed my cheek. I can't believe all that's happened today. This morning I was worried that no one will like me at school and now I'm worried weather I could stop myself from sneaking away from my parents to get to him. As we pulled up into the drive away I can see my grandparents standing by the doorway. That's just great, everyone knows. Even before the car stopped, my grandmother had already opened the car door and somehow was able to push my mom over to hug me. "Oh honey everything will me okay" she whispered. "Alice called, they're on their way home now" I heard my gradpa say to my parents. "Does Jacob know?" I heard my mom whisper to Carlisle. "Jacob" I said and started to cry again. We can't leave, I can't leave Jacob. Jacob can't leave his pack even if he wanted to. I can't even ask him. What else is there to do? "No, Jacob doesn't know. I figured we should talk things over and look through all of our options before making a decision." Grandpa Carlisle said somberly. "Everything will be okay Ness. Everything will work out" He said as he walked towards me.

A few hours had passed since the incident and frustration turned into panic. I'm stuck between a rock and hard place - I know I can't stay in Forks, but I also know I can't leave Jacob. My mother sat next to me on the couch while I laid on her lap. I raised my hand to touch her face. I let her see what happened earlier today at school to show her that I did try my hardest to get away. I showed her Jacob and how confused I was on what to do. And lastly I showed her how sorry I was. "Oh Nessie, you don't have to be sorry. What happened today was well - its a part of who we are, a part of who you are. I'm sure we'll figure something out. Jacob will under-" "I'm not leaving him ma, I can't leave him." I said interrupting her. My mom's eyes looked away from me and towards the front door. "They're here." was all she said as she sat me up. Aunt Alice was the first one in the door and within a millisecond she was by my side. "Hi Ness, are you okay?" She said as she rubbed my back. I touched her face and showed her what happened. "I know", she said as she kissed my hand. Of course she knew, what I thinking. Instead of explaining to rest what happened, I just showed them. I didn't have the strength to talk. "Why don't Jasper and I just scare this kid out forks or vandalize his house to make him move? That's easy enough..and it would be fun." Emmet said with a chuckle. "Yeah that's really mature Em. Why don't I just go over to his house and dazzle him into moving?" Rosie said sarcastically and turned to me. "Honey I don't know what you're freaking out about. We don't have to move. You can't be around this human, fine, then don't be. You don't have to go to Forks High. And as far as bumping into him around town, from now on you'll always have one of us with you at all times. Sweety, none of would ever let you do anything you would regret." She continued. "Wow, I never thought I would say this, but she's right." Jasper said with a surprise look on his face. Aunty Rosie gave him what everyone called "the stare of death", stuck her tongue at him and then looked at me and smiled. I smiled right back. Even though most of the family thought my aunty Rosie was a bitch, she been nothing but nice to me. She made a lot of sense. Wow, was it really that easy? Why didn't anyone thing of this before. For a family full of geniuses, we could be pretty damn slow sometimes. Everyone turned to Alice who seemed to be day dreaming, but of course she's having vision. "It looks like its - ugh! Damn dog! I just lost it. Ladies and Gents I present to you Jacob the vision blocking mutt." Alice said as she pointed to the front door. And as if on cue, Jacob walked in the door. Everyone, with the exception of myself of course, stared at Jacob with angry and frustrated faces. Uncle Em even booed. "What? Geez people, I know you don't like my smell but you don't have to boo me. Oh Blondie, I got another one for you. What is the difference between a smart blonde and a UFO? C'mon try to figure it out." Jacob said as he sat next to me. "You are so lucky my niece likes you, or you'd be 6 feet under ri-", Rosie said as she glowered at him. "There have been sightings of UFOs!" interrupted and laughed obnoxiously. Uncle Em joined him until Rosie elbowed him. Alice and my mom also giggled until Rosie shot them a dirty look. Jacob always seems to make everything better. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about leaving him. I'm so glad I don't have to really worry about being a murder. I'm so glad everything seems be okay.


I know this is a bit slow, but its a part of the plot. More blonde jokes to come!!

Steph Meyer owns Characters

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