Renesmee's Visitor PT12

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"What are you doing here Kristian?!" The vampire sporting the only read eyes of the bunch demands. "My, my, Kristoph, what unique company you have." The vampire says as he shakes his head, a malevolent smiles smeared on his face. "Answer my questions Kristian!" The other vampire responds as he takes an angery step forward. "What a stupid question Kristoph. I'm here to keep you company. Mother always told us we're never to part, so I'm here to keep you company....little brother."


"Little brother?" A whisper escaped my lips.

"Yes, lovely Renesemee, my brother", the vampire, Kristian said with a smirk.

"How do you know her name?" My mother asked defensively.

"They're twins" my father said in a matter of fact tone.

"What does that have to do with it?" Rosalie demanded.

"Well, Ms. Hale, just to catch everyone up on what's going on, since my brother here seemed to forget to mention a couple of details in his story, let me formally introduce myself." Kristian said with an Italian accent thicker than that of Kristoph's. "My name is Kristian De Valle" he said then playfully bowed. "Everything Kristoph has said has been true, except he forgot to mention me, his twin brother. As to how I know your names, well, as twin vampires we have the power to feel what the other feels, and sometimes, when we concentrate hard enough we get to hear or see glimpses of what each other is seeing or hearing." He said as if talking to a group of first graders. "Which gets annoying sometimes, but other times it comes quite handy." He said looking at me, then winked.

"What are you doing here Kristian?" Kristoph said with a stern voice.

"Dear brother, do you mind if I speak to you in private?" Kristian said with another smirk. Something about him intrigued me. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, his confidence, his smile, something about him made me want to know more about him. "No." Jacob said stepping closer to me.

Kristian took a deep breath, frustrated. "Fine, if you must all know. I'm here my brother in becoming...a more civilized part of humanity." He said regaining his confidence.

"If that's the case, then there seems to be no problem. If you don't mind Jacob, can you please ask your pack to phase back to their human form so that we can talk in a civilized manner?" Carlisle said calmly.

"Are you serious?!" Jacob said then looked at my father.

"Its okay Jacob." my dad said. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds obviously having their own private silent conversation.

"Fine. You heard 'em guys. Shift, but stay close." Jacob said still looking torn. "I hope you have a plan Cullen." Jacob whispered to my father.

Everyone started to have their whispered conversations with each other. Their voices became blur as my eyes locked with Kristian's. His features were very similar to Kristoph but his eyes made him look more savage. His jaw line was a bit more defined and unlike Kristoph, Kristian had dimples. I found myself lost in his eyes. Everything and everyone around me seemed to disappear. I unconciously started taking steps towards him, it was only when Kristoph grabbed my arm that I snapped out of my trance.

"Stop that Kristian!" Kristoph said with a his.

I blinked, looked around and realized that I was now in front of my whole family, including Kris.

"What are you doing to her?" Rosalie said as grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the rest of my family.

"He's mesmerizing her" my father said as he stood in front of me.

Alice gave him a confused look.

"He's luring her." My father said as he crouched down, ready to attack.

"Oh no no no.." Kristian said waving his hand in front of him. "Fine, I have to admit, I do have the power to do that, BUT I wasn't doing that to her! I swear. Edward, I know you can read my mind. Read on brother, see that I mean her no harm!" Kristian said looking worried for the first time.

My father took a deep breath and stood up straight. "He's right." he looked at Carlisle. "Carlisle's right" he looked at everyone now. "We have to give him a chance."

At that everyone seemed to relax without fully letting their guard down.

"So spill vamp. What are you really doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Oh no" Alice said catching everyone's attention. "Charlie's here"


Dear readers, I am so sorry if this chapter seems to be really slow. I've been sick (I'm still sick) and I feel like should just right something to keep the story going. Again, sorry for the crapiness. I promise that the next chapter will be better

Nessie's First Day of School / Renesmee's VisitorWhere stories live. Discover now